I have a mirror with a very thin section chipped off the side at the bottom. It is not that noticable due to the location. But the edge is now bright, compared to the rest of the mirror perimeter which is dark. And this is the most noticable aspect.
I would like to know if I can replace the finish on the broken edge so that the edge is dark like the rest of the perimeter. If this is possible, given the location, the chip can be ignored and the mirror can be used for many more years. Alternately, I could carry it in to a shop to have the whole side shaved down to the depth of the chip, but would like to know if the I can simply apply some material on the edge to darken it.
Let me know if there is edging material or is the edge simply polished, giving the dark look.
I would simply paint it with something. If this is the back or side and the broken surface itself is not (very) visible then some black or dark gray paint would do it. If the broken surface is facing out then some sort of clear matte finish would be in order.
A hobby shop might be a good place to look for the paint.
Before painting or anything else, put a piece of black tape on the spot to see if it helps. If so, then replace with paint. If not, then try something else that's equally non-destructive.
Another option is to try to fill the chip with epoxy. A glass shop would probably be able to do this, or a good punch-list guy.