I’m a frame to finish carpenter but wanted to ask you finish gods what blade you use when you want great results doing stain grade work. I’ve been getting some tearout with my present blade. I have a Hitachi 8 1/2 in compound miter box. Also where is the best place to buy it?
They are pricey, but a lot of people swear by the Forrest blades. An 8-1/2" diameter chopsaw version from them will run you about $100.
For less money and a little less performance, try the Freud negative hook versions specially made for chopsaws.
Freud LU91 has worked for me-very smooth cuts. Get it at any decent tool store or online at international tool or amazon.
Hope this helps. Rich.
I have a 10" Hitachi DSCMS it came with a 36 tooth that cuts smooth as a babys butt.
Also came with a 72 tooth that is even better!
At work we have some Delta 60 & 80 tooth blades that cut good when they are sharp.
we also got so of the CMT orange blades that cut real nice (I save the one I got for cabinet trim & the like)
Boss has 2 Milwaukee saws that are wearing out but the blade they came with was excellent.
It looks like it was made by Freud for Milw.
60tooth, negative rake, and a sharp side angle( the agle on the face as you look toward the arbor)
First time this blade was sharpened the moron changed that angle and it became just another saw blade.
Some one here mentioned a couple of Industrial blades that are not as well known by the construction crowds but are made to perform in a production situation.
Mr T
Happiness is a cold wet nose
Life is is never to busy to stop and pet the Doggies!!
Tenryu for smooth as a baby's butt, but if you want one that cuts nicely for a real long time, try CMT. Don't worry, we can fix that later!
Forrest Chopmaster. Pricey, but gives a glassy cut.