We’re in the process of searching out a small, but steady leak behind a homeowner’s walls.
Luckily, there was no baseboard behind the refrigerator, so we had a good place to start looking. Otherwise, things would have really gotten ugly fast.
Since leaks behind the walls seem to be a common problem, I’m wondering if a moisture meter might not a good time-saving investment for future calls.
And, if so, which meter is the best value.
All thoughts and suggestions are appreciated.
Laser thermometer does wonders too..moisture is cooler than dry.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
"If you want something you've never had, do something you've never done"
If I had to go with one, it would be a Delmhorst pin-type...not cheap, but probably a bunch on ebay or something like that. A good pin-type that you can drive the pins in deep, you can check moisture gradients......pinless you can't. There is some thinking out there that a cheap meter is as good as a more expensive one....Fine Woodworking did an article to that effect. I don't believe it, and I don't think the article was credible. Cabinetmaker/college woodworking instructor. Cape Breton, Nova Scotia.
i used to work for a restoration company that specialized in water losses. the owner believed in buying the best and we tried several brands both inexpensive and expensive and i agree with the delmhorst pin models. just about every water restoration company that was good used the delmhorst's. the one i personally used also had a surface scanner as well which was very accurate. here is a model