I need to mount a chandelier from the peak of a cathederal foyer. It is framed with 2×12 rafters and ridge board. My lack of experience at this particular install beckons a few questions. What is the best way to mount the box so that that everything finishes cleanly. I’ve thought of mounting the box off to one side of the peak and hanging the chain from a stainless eye bolt screwed into the peak. Something tells me there’s got to be a better way. Thanks Ron
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
For a catherdral ceiling, I'd want to minimize the number of holes you put in it. Has the wiring been run yet?
I'd vote for a block that will nest right in the peak of the cathedral, the block can be screwed either into the ridge board or into opposite rafters. Think of it looking like a short segment of an exposed ridge beam...or picture a birdhouse slapped up against the peak. You can build up a larger block from smaller sections, routing various details to give a nice built up appearance, and screwing each layer to the one above. All depends on what you want.
Recess your outlet box into the block.
Make the base of the block large enough so that it frames the light's medallion. If required, you can adjust the proportions of the block to mimic those of the room. Square room, square block...rectangular room, rectangular block.
*Ron, Following up on Mongo's idea...I remember seeing in one of my construction mags (maybe JLC or even FHB?) where a company now makes a plastic colored box for just such an application. I think they even had different ones for different pitches of the ceiling? Maybe a call to a local electrical supply house would help.Mike
*Thanks Mongo. I appreciate the creativity of your solution, especially since my brainshare was crashing on this one!
*Ron - There is no reason why you cannot do this with a cylindrical block with a peaked top and a pancake box (no recess necessary, except to hit the top of the pancake box with BX). You then end up with a painted cylindrical wood block above your round canopy. The beefiness of the connection to the ridge should be proportioned to the weight of the fixture.Been there, done that (once or twice)Jeff
I need to mount a chandelier from the peak of a cathederal foyer. It is framed with 2x12 rafters and ridge board. My lack of experience at this particular install beckons a few questions. What is the best way to mount the box so that that everything finishes cleanly. I've thought of mounting the box off to one side of the peak and hanging the chain from a stainless eye bolt screwed into the peak. Something tells me there's got to be a better way. Thanks Ron