weekend coming up need to order material to deck the roof, Spec calls for either 1/2 cdx or 7/16 osb. I was thinking 5/8 osb. What do yall think, need to order material tomorrow. Also how heavy would 55 sheets of 5/8 osb weigh. Can I carry in my pickup or have delievered?
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
What part of the country? Snow load?
what on center spacing of rafters?
7/16 OSB is code legal in MI with 1/2 a common upgrade.
If you have a stout 3/4 ton truck, you can haul the 5/8 in one trip. 55 sheets is pretty much a full unit.
*johnnie.. thats a hell of a lload for a pickup.. get what you need to get started and have the rest delivered...1/2" is code.. but we always use 5/8 with clips for 24 " spacing
*Johnnie, Just me talking of course but OSB is crap for roof sheathing! Ever seen it get wet? I'd get 5/8" ply and use ply clips. This is your house correct? Its worth the few extra bucks. Just my opinion of course, all disclaimers apply, no carpenters hurt in this posting. Have a nice day...Mike
*I carried 30 sheets of 5/8 plywood not long ago. Damn near didn't make it to the jobsite. I will NEVER do that again. I can't see carrying 55 sheets of 5/8 osb in a pickup truck. If you try it, good luck.James DuHamel
*Johnnie,I always get a kick out of reading your posts. Are you for real? No one is that dumb. You must be sly like a fox. Where do you come up with this stuff?i "Can I carry 55 sheets of 5/8 0SB in my pickup?"Yessir, I love this guy!Davo.
*OSB is heavier than ply and weaker. Use 5/8" ply and have it delivered. That much OSB on a pickup and you won't get out of the yard or oveer the curb.But in Florida 1/2" with clips is standard fare.Still enjoying your posts!
*Johnnie,What's 5/8ths/12 x 55 x 4x8 x 35 pcf? DH
*I used 5/8 osb on my roof - don't think I would use it again. I would go with plywood. imhosam
weekend coming up need to order material to deck the roof, Spec calls for either 1/2 cdx or 7/16 osb. I was thinking 5/8 osb. What do yall think, need to order material tomorrow. Also how heavy would 55 sheets of 5/8 osb weigh. Can I carry in my pickup or have delievered?