First time poster…
Got the link to this site from a Golf forum. So glad I found it.
My wife and I bought our first house in Feb ’05.
1958 Cape style house with 3 bedrooms, 1 bath on half acre…and in my neighborhood, I’ve got the largest property. Basically the neighborhood used to be all summer homes, so the properties are small.
So, if you’ve got the time…here goes.
Bought the house, noticed the VERY OLD ceiling. Figured I’d redo that before I did the floor in the dinning room, half rug and linoleum(sp) right now. Took old ceiling down to find out “someone” cut the main support beam in the ceiling, so i fixed that.
Ive got a 4′ x 12′ kitchen and a 4′ x 12′ bathroom. My brother says knock out the wall and make one large kitchen and build a new bathroom in an unfinished back room.
So, before I finish the ceiling in the dinning room, which will run into the kitchen I have to build a completely new bathroom, rebuild a new kitchen, finish the ceiling in the kitchen/dinning room so I can put wood floors in the dinning room. UH!!!!
1 project lead to 19 million more….but I’m loving it. Not loving paying for it but like doing it.
Bathroom is moving along…buying greenboard and shower tile tomorrow.
OH…and I’ve put in a very nice Bay window my wife absolutely loves, so do I, it came out so sweet and my neighbors love it.
Anyway, wanted to say hi, I’m sure I’ll be asking tons of questions.
My first post and I screwed it up....Wrong catagory.
Very sorry, feel free to move it to general.
Welcome to this corner of the internet.
Your work on your home sounds great, and ambitious. Good luck with it.
Don't be shy about posting, most here like a good question that's to the point.
Be sure to try out the "archive" feature ( advanced search ) at the top of the page. A lot of good questions, answers, information, and ideas there...Buic
Edited 1/12/2006 9:56 pm ET by BUIC
Filling out your profile, especially an indication of what part of the world you reside in, will result in more accurate feedback to any questions you may have. Just click on your name and profile options will appear.
And welcome!
Profile done....forgot about that.
Just enjoying myself looking over all the posts. This is a great site.
pt, welcome to Breaktime.
I noticed in your previous msg, "greenboard and shower tile". Can you tell us your plans in the shower? Are you intending to tile over greenboard?
This is a good place, hope you enjoy it.
edit: Checked your profile and see your birthday is two days after mine. Happy Birthday now, in case I forget later. I'll raise my glass on the 18th.
A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
Edited 1/12/2006 10:23 pm ET by calvin
The next thing you need to do is play with the search function and find the "Frapper" site so you can put yourself on the map, so to speak. You'll find you East Coasters are in abundance here and there is a lot of local expertise in your neck of the woods to help you out.
For example, here in the West, we don't have "brooks," we have either Creeks or Cricks.
And my Wife is from New Hampshire, where a car is a caw and a saw is a sawr...I still haven't figured that one out! :-)
And my Wife is from New Hampshire, where a car is a caw and a saw is a sawr...I still haven't figured that one out! :-)
And she probably gets "idears" all the time.
pt, welcome to BreakTime (BT). A few of the crusty old-timers can be a bit crotchety now and again, but they usually make up for it by being a font of construction wisdom. :)jt8
"The ultimate result of shielding men from the effects of folly, is to fill the world with fools." -- Herbert Spencer
Now if we can just get Notchman to clean the mortar out from under his fingernails.
That and to finally decide what name he's going to go by.
'Nemo me impune lacesset'No one will provoke me with impunity
No mortar under the nails today....just raw ankles from the Veterinarian shaking the cash out of my pockets. (It's a dumb dog vs. porcupine internecine battle of the lowest order....and I'm losing).
Maybe I'll start a thread....
So after I got out of Uncle Sams Canoe Club, and still single, I bought a small Cape on a spit of land with all summer homes. At the time, myself and a two other house holds were living there all winter long. About four hours later, I had to get married! She got a new kitchen, new bathroom, a new bedroom, and then finale, after three great kids and 18 years later, she got the house! God Bless her!
For you, good luck....................Pop
Please don't put tile over greenboard in your shower! There are vastly better ways to do that job, and they are not all difficult to learn. Use the advanced search here to learn more, and/or go over to the John Bridge Tile Forum for really good information on doing tilework correctly.
And welcome!
Welcome to the asylum.
Ditto on the greenboard in the shower. That would be a major mistake. Greenboard can be used in damp areas, like around sinks and laundry rooms, etc, but you're building a disaster if you use it in a shower.
See if you can find the Taunton book "Setting Tile" by Michael Byrne. Well worth the time and money (it's cheap). Sometimes you can find it in HD or Lowes. taunton sells it on line, as does Amazon.
Also check out this tile forum
"When asked if you can do something, tell'em "Why certainly I can", then get busy and find a way to do it." T. Roosevelt
Welcome to the biggest circus on earth bro. Sit back and enjoy and don't be afraid to yell at anyone that gets on your nerves like that Piffin guy. All he writes are political threads and prtends he knows somethin' bout' building?
Anyway...You don't need no stinkin' books or John Bridges forum,,,you found the best resource on the planet right here and that said...Don't use greenboard in a wet are. Greenboard or WR board is only "water resistant",,,not "waterproof". USe Durorock or Wonderboard or the equivilent and there are many. Easy to use and you'll be happy you did. Don't use mastic to put up the tiles either. Use thinset.Mastic is for babies.
See...already youre getting overloaded
Also watch out for that Blodgett kid when he shows up..scary dude!
And Calvin? Don't ask.hint: He's the guy that looks like a younger Einstein.
Be well
The secret of Zen in two words is, "Not always so"!
When we meet, we say, Namaste' means..I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides, I honor the place in you of love, of light, of truth, of peace. I honor the place within you where if you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me, there is only one of us.
Great responses everyone thank you.
I 'was' planning on using greenboard behind the shower and tiling over it. The 1 piece surround is somewhere in the $350 range so i thought tiling would be cheaper.
Going to Lowes tonight so if you guys tell me to buy something else for the surround of the shower I will.
Should I put greenboard throughout the bathroom anyway? or just in certain areas?
So glad I found this site.
Hi, and welcome,
I had ####similar problem, but had already installed the GB and then asked about tile......oh boy, but based on the what I learned here, I used Hardibacker , which is a bit lighter than durock, and thinset for the tile......I left some GB next to the tub/shower and the ceiling and regular drywall everywhere else......Lots of builders ,GC's , and associated trades here, heating plumbing, electrical, VDV......and lots of engineers.I came here looking for advice, and stuck around for the aggravation....;>)
BS dog, you stayed around because the other two left and we need at least one mad dog here at all times.
to keep out the riff-raff.A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
busted.......I wuz just tryin to be nice to the newbie......
Be careful, might be a liberal democrat.
A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
.....ha, ever since that discussion with Walker and pino, I just haven't been myself, I've tried to start arguments but....
Isn't that redundant?
A little less subtle if you can stand it.A great place for Information, Comraderie, and a sucker punch.
Remodeling Contractor just outside the Glass City.
Quittin' Time
I do not think Bro is appropriate, profile says gender:female. Earns points for rapid profile entry.
Changed the profile did I miss that one/
Stuff happens! Welcome!
"Oops....Changed the profile did I miss that one?"
Shoulda stayed a woman...
The really old, really experienced guys around here would have solved every problem, catered to your every need...
Now yer just another guy.
I do not think Bro is appropriate, profile says gender:female. Earns points for rapid profile entry. >>>>>>>>>>My puter must be messed up or sexist cause on mine it says male. Go figga.The secret of Zen in two words is, "Not always so"!
When we meet, we say, Namaste' means..I honor the place in you where the entire universe resides, I honor the place in you of love, of light, of truth, of peace. I honor the place within you where if you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me, there is only one of us.
We were both right. Just at different times.
Get out the digital camera and post some photos. Before & after if you've already got them.
The Breaktimer formerly known as "Steve-O"
"Preach the Gospel at all times; if necessary, use words." - St. Francis of Assisi