What u guys think? would u buy one?
Miter saw and table saw in one…
here is the link … you have to see it.
What u guys think? would u buy one?
Miter saw and table saw in one…
here is the link … you have to see it.
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yeah, but where is the espresso machine attachment??
knowledge without experience is just information.... Mark Twain
With everyone leaving their table saws and miter saws alone together in the same toolroom overnight, it was only a matter of time before this would happen! I guess we should have "saw" it coming!
"he...never charged nothing for his preaching, and it was worth it, too" - Mark Twain
With everyone leaving their table saws and miter saws alone together in the same toolroom overnight, it was only a matter of time before this would happen! I guess we should have "saw" it coming!
When I saw it I thought almost the same thing.
Having looked at one in person in europe, it was a lot less impressive than the pictures.
It would be more versatile if it had a router table built in.
Such a small table - I wonder if it would actually be useful for anything.
I wonder if it would actually be useful for anything
Maybe launching 2X missiles?
Such a small table - I wonder if it would actually be useful for anything.>>>>>>
Mornin' Mr Ron
I donno. I kinda like it. Would love to give it a try. One uses miter saws for mainly trim work. Nothing to do with sheet goods so it may just be a good idea.....but then again thats what they said about all these 10 in 1 tools and now you see em' a dime a dozen on Ebay.
Cause then I did also start thinking, yeh, a router table built into the table saw....wait wait...howzabout a little man built in to do the job too...like all the little men I can swear are in my Bosch diswasher...How capuld anyone love a dishwasher? I do!
Have a great day
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They will sell.
<They will sell>
Yeah, but I don't think they will be very effective. I would never buy any multi tool. I like Makita tools, but anything like this is more a gimmick for the pro than not. It might be a good thing for the small hobbyist who needs to save room in their basement. Kind of like a Shopsmith.
I agree. This is no pros saw.
For a person that cant justify either saw alone might pull the trigger on this saw or a flip over saw.
For a pro the flip over saw would be useless.
The thing is Jer we are seriously out numbered,. Otherwise they wouldnt be selling so many power tools .
<The thing is Jer we are seriously out numbered,. Otherwise they wouldnt be selling so many power tools . >
I hadn't thought of that, and it's a good point. There is, after all, the masses, and their terms of thinking may not be the same as us, the minority.
These mixed up table saw mitters have been comon in Europe for ages. It looks like the main application is for cutting the Aluminum profiles and bits needed for installing Al framed windows. Good for use on site.
I doubt that Makita invented the design. Most of the tools like this that I have seen were Italian.
Looks abought as stable as the mid east talks. And what abought weight? I hear you guys bitchin abought how heavy your mitre saws are now.
No Thanks
It's not going to replace a 'real' cabinet saw or even a portable table saw, but for the times when you need to rip some trim or even a piece of 2x, I think it would be just right, assuming the fence is OK. I'd buy it.
Always remember those first immortal words that Adam said to Eve, “You’d better stand back, I don’t know how big this thing’s going to get.â€
Scott,I doubt ripping 2x is in the cards for that saw. The blade that'll rip 2x would be dangerous on a chopsaw, and a chopsaw blade won't feed worth beans, and will burn. The aluminum trim idea makes more sense, or vinyl, very small wood trim, etc.Bill
Yeah, I was wondering about the effectiveness of a crosscut blade for ripping. Oh well.... that's why I've got two table saws....
Scott.Always remember those first immortal words that Adam said to Eve, “You’d better stand back, I don’t know how big this thing’s going to get.â€
Sorry, BC it ain't new by a far cry.
Saws of this type have been sold in Europe for over 9 or 10 years years now, including by some American manufacturers, only neither they, nor the N. Am WWing press has seen fit to really mention them as "tools of note",
Seems like they want us to buy a Mitre saw, and a table saw, and wait til the market appears saturated, until they start allowing their N Am marketing to flog such two-in one devices on us. I distinctly recall enquiring of Dewalt about 9 or ten years ago if these devices were available in N. Am. Answer was No.
They would be of likely utility to trim/cabinet installers without a doubt. Virutex sells the same kind of thing too. Keep in mind that in Europe, it ain't unusual to see a tradesman going to work with only a packsack of tools, instead of a truck load.
The Great Yellow Father even has their finger in the pie too....
And then ask yerself where you were when all the wwing magazines that you subscribe to/read/perhaps even trust presented this as a new tool. Keep in mind it's been at least 8 or 9 or 10 years now that these have been available across the pond. And it ain't likley just a flash in the pan, cause other major mfgrs are floggin them there too. Elu, Virutex aint common borg-type names, but they do have a bit of a deserved reputation behind em, even if ya ain't never heard of em.
Otoh, I have posted this observation of market discrepancy more than once on this forum over that same time frame.
I would have bought one when I first became aware of em, now I'm likley locked into keeping, and using two distinct saws for at least the next cuppla years due to economics.
Do you think you got misled by the WWing rags, the corporate marketing? I know I has been. Without a doubt.
The capacity is small. Only 5 1/2" for the miter saw. Seems useless.
Headstong, I'll take on anyone!
I have and use one (by other maker) Its great for trim and flooring. The blade that came with it cuts both rip and cross cut with ease! Not cheap, and yes a little small but useable.
Would I, no, too limited for me.
I could see it being useful for many. Trimming a window, rip an extension jamb. Cleats for a closet. Shelf edging,etc..
At 31 lbs. it's easy enough move around.
Not a bad idea, just not for me...Buic
ps: anyone know what they sell for?
Edited 2/17/2006 5:42 pm ET by BUIC
I'm not considering one until I see Tommy Silva hawking one of them on TOH!
Looks tailor-made for the wood flooring guys - mostly chops with a few rips for the last boards in the room. Other than that, not enough capacity to be worthwhile...
I'm a big fan of ease of movement and efficiency, but for what I do, I'll stick to my Bosch 4000 TS and 12" TwinLaser MS - they're both on wheels anyway.
Why would someone want a cob like that? The miter saw design is fine, but a little tiny table saw?
No thanks, I'll stick with separate tools. This is one place the R&D people should have stayed out of the drugs.
If the build quality was good I'd actually love to have one of these. A lot of the little bathroom jobs, counter top only jobs, or small floor jobs, or especially punch or service work these would work out great. On many of these jobs you might need to make a couple of miters or a couple of small rips but that's it, that unit looks like it might fit the bill. I'm driving a toyota until I get my F-250 fixed up, and I just don't have room to haul all of the tools I used to, but on the smaller jobs you need all of the tools you need on the bigger jobs, but usually all in one day. The only problem is that it looks like they are plenty expensive.
One size fits all....guaranteed to fit none