They have a 24 hour webcam at the job I am currently working at a 6 story addition at the hospital. After we’re done here then we will be adding another six floors after they move in.
Cant see much at night but dont have time during the day to post it.
Where there’s a will, there are 500 relatives
Will Ladyfire be able to tell when you pull off site and head home?
No I dont think so. I am all over the site anyway and there is a utility plant off site too that we're working on. I had heard about the cameras all along but never googled them till last night. Where there's a will, there are 500 relatives
Actually, out here in the bay area, there are enough tech folks that that is more common than you might think (on residences). I know of one crew that got fired b/c the HO checked discrepancies on hours billed and time or arrival and departure.
(The contractor, a friend of mine, tried to explain about material pick-up and travel time, but the owner wasn't having it. Nick was a little prone to um, "maximizing billing".)
Although, why do office workers get to goof off two hours a day and we never stop?
>>Nick was a little prone to um, "maximizing billing".)Let me guess, now he is a lawyer?Where there's a will, there are 500 relatives
>>Nick was a little prone to um, "maximizing billing".)
Let me guess, now he is a lawyer?
hee hee. close. business school.
but, the guy who busted him must have been goofing off at work, checking out his home's webcams. why is it that everyone else gets to surf the web, make phone calls, send letters etc. but if i drop my jackhammer in exhaustion for a couple minutes, i'm slacking?
Know what you mean. Right now I'm playing babysitter and referee at work to the subs. I would much rather be doing something constructive but there is to much going on rigt now. At least I'm not an office hound though. I dont think I could stand that for long.Where there's a will, there are 500 relatives
I read an article a year or so ago where office workers admitted on average to goofing off 2 hrs. per day.
>>I read an article a year or so ago where office workers admitted on average to goofing off 2 hrs. per day.Semms like some of the subs are ex office workers.
Where there's a will, there are 500 relatives
He told me last me and I'll wave out a window to you. Today, he forgot his phone! Wondering if it was intentional?! :)
Intentional? Nooooooo.I think I just saw his truck go by, he'll be home in 15. ;)
TFB (Bill)
LOL! Nope that wasn't him. He's driving his sisters little black car right now! :)I don't know how anyone can see what's going on. They need one where you can zoom in a little closer. Or I do! :)
I guess we can call it the "Bam Bam Web Cam".(-:.I don't get anything but a black screen where the web cam oughta be. Maybe it's down for a while?
If a mime is arrested, do they tell him he has a right to talk?
LOL!No, it's not down. I just checked it b4 this post. I know he said you gotta have Java or you can't see it.
It worked when I enabled Java.It would be cool if we could prearrange a time that he could go out there and wave at us. Or maybe moon us and see if he got away with it.(-:
If a motorist cuts you off, just turn the other cheek. Nothing gets the message across like a good mooning.
We talked about the waving last night. But, the numbskull forgot his phone, so I can't call him and arrange a time. Maybe tomorrow!He won't of the owners watches the cam a lot...........besides, you wouldn't see anything if he did as he has no butt at all! :)
"besides, you wouldn't see anything if he did as he has no butt at all! :)""No Butt" was my nickname in college. LOLTFB (Bill)
LOL! Lets see. How do I say this and not get in trouble. I tell Mike..what god left off in the rear, he made up for in the front! Funny story....
Way back in our drinking and riding the roads days, four of us best friends would get together. Each time, one of us would say this is what we have to do this time. One particular evening, we all had to moon. No problem. We were in our friends brand new truck they had just bought that day, No one will know who it is. The truck has dark dark tint. We get on Business 59 and it's Mikes turn to moon. He does. Later, we go to the local restaurant for food. This woman, (we know), comes over to Mike and says, "hey, I was in the truck that you mooned"
We never did know how she knew it was him. Quite possibly cause he has the littlest rear in Nacogdoches. :)
6:59 am. I don't see any movement. You boys are letting grass grow under your feet! :)
9:58 am. I have seen one guy off to the left working, a piece of caution tape blowing in the wind and bunches of cars pass by. Ain't nobody on that job site. They must be in the hospital flirting with the nurses! :)
Moon....moon....moon! :)
Yall must all be at lunch. That site is more still than a cemetery!
If I look up your companies number, then call you tomorrow while you are working and ask if you have Prince Albert in a can... will you flick me off live on camera?
Tu stultus es
Rebuilding my home in Cypress, CA
Also a CRX fanatic!
Look, just send me to my drawer. This whole talking-to-you thing is like double punishment.
>>If I look up your companies number, then call you tomorrow while you are working and ask if you have Prince Albert in a can... will you flick me off live on camera?LOL Prince Albert couldnt stay in them cans for very long let me tell ya.Where there's a will, there are 500 relatives
I have questions, querries, posers.........
1) Why are some of the pieces above the windows green and some tan? Are those like headers? They don't look like it from here. Do you need headers with a metal building?
2)Is that an type of insulated foam board? If so, what is the difference between the green and tan? It took that guy until after lunch to finish 3 windows.
3) Exactly what is the procedure he was doing?
4) Where is he now? Why not finish out the right side of the building? Do other things have to be done first?
5) Where are all the blue hats? All I've seen are white ones.
6) How come that dozer, sky trac, or whatever it is looks like a race car?
:) I definitely am no carpenter!
Your barrage of questions is familiar; it's why it takes me so long to get anything done at home! And I don't dare use the multitude of inquiries as an excuse.....sigh.If I was Mike, I'd be putting duct tape over those dad burn camera lenses.
LOL! Hey you could do him a favor and answer some of them! :)When I first started working with him, he would get aggrivated at me cause I'd be like, why, how, don't tell me, show me. Things just make sense to me when I understand them! :)
>>1) Why are some of the pieces above the windows green and some tan? Are those like headers? They don't look like it from here. Do you need headers with a metal building? thats 2 questions. Some are already waterproofed and some not. It starts out green because it is from Temple and not Dense Glass. >>It took that guy until after lunch to finish 3 windows.
3) Exactly what is the procedure he was doing?fixing his screw up from last week. he still had one more to go.>>4) Where is he now? Why not finish out the right side of the building? Do other things have to be done first? Probalby hiding somewhere. A different sub does the sheathing.>>6) How come that dozer, sky trac, or whatever it is looks like a race car? Its made in Italy lolWhere there's a will, there are 500 relatives
Hey! Wake up! You didn't answer all my questions! And #1 had three questions, not two! You can't even count and you're a super? :)Seriously. Are those headers? Do you need headers with a metal building? I think no is the answer to both but answer me honestly. I wanna see how construction illiterate I am. :)
Yes they are headers but they are not really structural (much anyway). They will help support the windows that will be long and heavy. Oh, and the blue hats were out flirting with the nurses ;-).Where there's a will, there are 500 relatives
Dang it...........I knew it!I'm not construction Literate! :)
Believe me hon, you would put some of those framers to shame. At least you can build out of wood. Some of them can do neither.
Where there's a will, there are 500 relatives
Awwww shucks. :)Now,...about them nurses. Didn't you tell me the ones you saw were male? :)
Aww , your just being mean now. :0)Where there's a will, there are 500 relatives
Yes. But you said you like ...I mean me that way! :)
Are those headers? Do you need headers with a metal building?
Depends on the type of metal building.
PEMB uses girts as purlins to reinforce the frame. Traditionally, that first girt is 87.5" AFF, and is the header for doors and windows. The jambs are channel sections defining the openings, and providing a surface for the siding to be stich screwed to.
In post-n-frame buildings, where metal studs are used as in-fill, then you "header off" door and window openings, by turning channel runners across the openings. Channel works best, since it's easier to slip a wood buck in (which makes the shim and trim process sooo much easier later).
In an all-galvanized structure, the galvanized studs emulate wood framing, so there are bearing walls, and in those walls, the headers also have to be structural, too. Those are sized per tables, and typically bulit up of two studs on edge with a channel top and bottom.
That answer the question, even if only in a theoretical sense? <g>Occupational hazard of my occupation not being around (sorry Bubba)
You betcha and I thank you very much.I know that on a house, you gotta have headers above the windows and doors. Just didn't know about metal buildings. :)
What are ya tryin' to do- get this thread back on track? LOL
What are ya tryin' to do- get this thread back on track? LOL
Ich bin Feldwebel Schultz! Ich weisse nicht! Nicht aufgesagen!Occupational hazard of my occupation not being around (sorry Bubba)
no luck with that link.
from a and aol survey:
"American workers are wasting more than twice the time Human Resource managers expect."
For many American workers today, time's a wastin' - literally. According to a new survey by America Online and, the average worker admits to frittering away 2.09 hours per 8 hour workday, not including lunch and scheduled break time.
(And that's what they admit to...)
not including lunch and scheduled break time.
That's because any company large enough to have an HR department does not schedule breaks, and seems to be predicated on there being 80-90 billable minutes worked per hour.Occupational hazard of my occupation not being around (sorry Bubba)
Cool. Always fun to check that stuff out. Here's one from a job my Uncle Jim is working on on the Flathead River in Montana. They are building a bridge. I don't watch it to much but it's a cool view.
I'm bringing sexy back.
Edited 12/16/2008 8:59 pm ET by Gunner
That would be one very cold job there with the wind wipping down that river. It'll help make me warmer tomorrow. Very nice pics too.Where there's a will, there are 500 relatives
It's not a place I want to be in the winter.
I'm bringing sexy back.
Edited 12/16/2008 9:28 pm ET by Gunner
When all your grown kids have moved back in and you gotta go to the barn for hanky panky! :(
I was mostly on the north end today laying out the bay windows.Where there's a will, there are 500 relatives
Got a tent?
You could always set one up for <ahem> special occasions.
just be careful about how much you make the tent shake. And no, I'm not tellin' ya how I know about that. <G>
Got one of them 3 room tents. If we're gonna use it in this cold, I may need to bring out the bear skin rugs!Oh come tell.......... :)
I will say that DW and I went camping for our honeymoon.
I'll leave the rest up to your imagination LOL
camping for our honeymoon.>>>>>>>>That's wild! I went on a camping trip with Mikes brother and SIL, and Mike of course.............. that's kinda when we got together! :)Guess great minds do think alike! :)
What's the stuff they're putting up in the L shaped windows? Just curious.
Don't the two of you talk when he gets home ???
If you're listening to a rock star in order to get your information on who to vote for, you're a bigger moron than they are. [Alice Cooper]
Yes we do. This is just in case I forget to ask him. :)That seems to happen a lot as I age.
but I think it was some temporary protection cause part of it is down now. :)
Where's the tree? I can't see it from here. :)
Bump bump so I don't have to next 50 through 6 pages. :)
bumping to see
bump bump bump
where's the grind grind grind LOL
Ew, your moma's gonna get you for those dirty thoughts! LOLHi Shep!
I hope my momma's not looking down from heaven when I'm thinkin' those dirty thoughts. It might not help my chances of getting there when I go <G>
How you 2 been? Still playing the happy homemaker?
I hope my momma's not looking down from heaven when I'm thinkin' those dirty thoughts.>>>>>Oh I go again....sticking my foot in my mouth and chewing it off to the knee. I am so sorry for that. I didn't know. :(The good thing is....mommas can SEE everything ...but we can't always READ thoughts! So, you're probably safe! :)We have been okay. Economy has us in a bad spot as it does many others. We are surviving though. Mike's working his tail off. Bless his heart. Yes I'm still playing the happy homemaker. Gonna start watching a few babies to help bring in some money. Man, daycares are expensive now days. My niece is paying $125.00 a week for 1 (one) kid! I told her it almost ain't worth working by the time you pay that! :) But it's good for me! :)Oh yeah! My baby girl puppy, Myah, who is now a year old is a momma! She had 8 of them little critters! The daddy is my rottie. They're so cute! Hope all is well with you and yours. Take care and be safe!
Hey, no problem with the foot in mouth thing. I do it, too.
Besides, with the way my mom was going downhill with Alzheimer's, its really a blessing she's not with us anymore. She died in Aug. of '07, the week of Dinosaur's NorthFest.
And just so ya know, my dad's been gone for 13 years now.
I'm an orphan ( sniffle, sniffle, sob, sob)
Oh yea. I remember that day now. I believe I raised a cup of coffee to her the night of. Still sorry though.Now.....................dry them tears up boy! You have way too many brothers and sisters here to be an orphan, Though, there are some none of claim! :)
Coming right along! I be dog DO know what you're doing! LOL
If you were watching at that time of morning you might have seen me ALMOST get the SkyTrack stuck.Where there's a will, there are 500 relatives