This Saturday, 2/19 our volunteers will be installing Hardie Plank Siding on one of Habitat Homes. Any special tips on installing this material?
I’ve heard we have to drill holes on the corners for nails. Also we need to snap lines for each course as there is no lip. Problem is the chalk doesn’t stick to the house wrap.
Your experience is greatly appreciated.
your chalk lines don't have to be permanent,, just have to stay there long enough to use as a visual aid....hsnage your chalk to a different color...switch to a stronger chalk line....
Go to the dealer supplying the sideing and ask for the insatallation sheet...
We use SS coil gun nails and don't predrill unless we're hand nailing a detail...
*If you are dealing with volunteers, you may not want to use nail guns for safety reasons. I used a drill/driver to drive galvanized deck screws through the HardiPlank on my garage. This seems to work well. Hand-nailing is definitely out - takes forever to get a nail started, then you risk hammer marks all around it. Hope it all goes well this weekend.
*If you are dealing with volunteers, you may not want to use nail guns for safety reasons. I used a drill/driver to drive galvanized deck screws through the HardiPlank on my garage. This seems to work well. Hand-nailing is definitely out - takes forever to get a nail started, then you risk hammer marks all around it. Hope it all goes well this weekend.