We have a basement family room with 12″x12″ white acoustic ceiling tiles that were stapled onto a grid of 1×2 wood strips.
The tiles seem to be made with compressed fiber that is brown, and can be snapped easily if bent.
Very absorbant if any moisture gets to it – I accidently left a radiator bleed valve open and the water stained through.
This is in a house from the 1950s but not sure when the tiles were installed – maybe early 60s ?
Anything I should be aware of before the tiles are removed ?
Aesbestos concerns ?
Thanks for any insight.
There could very well be asbestos in the tiles. I'd gingerly remove one and send it to a lab for testing just to be safe. Shouldn't cost more than $75-100- cheap insurance.
Thanks for the reply.
Onto more research into this...