I have an old house build around 1850.Their is little to no insulation inside the plaster and lath outer walls. I wanted to know if I could frame all new outer walls infront of the exsisting walls, with out doing anything to the exsting wall. In the new wall I will be insulating and running all new electrictal. Is this common to do, will it cause a moisture problem?
Thanks in advance
I can't say that I've seen it done.........
How do you plan on building this wall outside your existing structure?
By my read he ment inside his exterior walls
Thanks paul
My reading comprehension was way off.
I went back to read it again and you might have been originally correct - too little info to go on.
Of course, Doug is yet another one-post wonder.
It's done, and in terms of moisture problems may be one of the best approaches. You do need to be concerned that heavily-painted plaster is a vapor barrier, so the existing wall may need to be perforated somehow. And of course the windows can be a problem. (Note that I'm assuming you mean you'd build the new wall against the inner surface of the existing wall.)
Knowing where this house is located would be helpful.