Old Skilsaw switch replacement alternative?

I have a Skilsaw 5510 (5-1/2″ circular saw) that I bought about 35 years ago. I still love it and it still works great.
However… the switch is beginning to go on it and I need to find a replacement for it but so far I have found it discontinued.
Does anyone have any experience with this or know if a newer switch would fit, or if there is another solution that is eluding me?
Thanks so much in advance.
Check with your local tool repair shop. My shop always cannibilized old tools for spare parts just for this occasion.
That's a great idea, thanks
Not sure what the failure mode is but there's a chance a good dose of contact cleaner could help. I've even disassembled a few switches and repaired them if it's a bad spring or something like that.
Good thinking. I have yet to open it up, so I'll see what I can see