What are people’s thoughts and experience with using 3/4 OSB tounge and groove for subflooring. I have been using 3/4″ t&G plywood with no problems. The osb is currently $9.00 a sheet cheaper. I have no problem spending the extra money on the fir plywood since it is already in the budget. Is the OSB a lower cost alternative with the same results? If you have been having success with it, what is your system for that success(glue/screw or nail, etc.). If you think it
let me know that to. How resistant to the weather is it as well.
There are several reasons for using plywood rather than OSB for subfloor besides costs. My experience has found OSB is more prone to swelling, especially along the edges than plywood. Plywood is more stable, ie it is less likely to blow out corners or nailed areas. You can use plywood for a subfloor under wood flooring. You should not use OSB as it will not hold flooring nails.
Other reasons to choose plywood over OSB are environmental. OSB requires massive clearcuts of forests to supply the mills producing OSB. The adhesives used in OSB are much more toxic than adhesives used in plywood. The mills that manufacture plywood are usually much less degrading of the local environment than OSB plants.
You make the choice.