Paint an entire wall rather than trying touch up?
Our newly purchased home in an IRS 1031 Rental Exchange and will be rented out for two years before we move into it as our retirement home. For now, we just want to fix some walls with repaint. We are told to avoid touch up of small areas, as the new paint of the same color will not match older same color paint. If we repaint the entire walls that need touch up rather than just touch up, will the different shade between the new Beige Rage paint and other walls with older Beige Rage be too different, or will they be like accent walls, slightly different shades of same color?
Walls with outside corners, no problem. Inside corners......make sure the cut line is not boogered up.
Try it and see how you like it .
start with just the touch-up and see if you care how well it matches. If needed, paint the whole wall,
A lot of color has to do with the texture of the surface and gloss of the paint.
Paint the whole place before you move in. after a couple years of renters you may need to do so.
I will share that a few years ago, when I had done some work and updated paint, I talked with my wife about which edge I should pick to stop the fresh paint. She looked at me, and said, "What do you mean, stop?"