Will any oil-based paint work on metal railings? I’ve sanded down to bare metal and was going to use Rustoleum or something similar, but it seems that Rustoleum can’t be mixed for a custom color (true?). Can I prime with Rustoleum and finish with an oil-based paint that isn’t specifically made for metal?
Thanks for any help or suggestions
i have used an automotive product called POR15. it is available from a company called RESTOMOTIVE.
it turns rust into an inert material that has to be painted over due to it breaking down under uv rays.
it is used by car restorers and street rodders all the time for frames , etc. you can paint over it .
it actually cures using moisture in air. it is extremely hard and durable.
*Thanks for the suggestion- that sounds like a good product, and I'm wondering if it can be custom tinted. I should have mentioned that the top of the railing is wood, about the size of a 2x6, and the client wants an usual shade of purple-brown for both the wood and the metal railing. I've only been able to get this custom color in a water-based paint, and I'm concerned about this paint rusting the metal. I'll look into the POR15 and see if it will work for this application.Thanks again,Steve Harding
*SteveGo to any profeesional paint center and ask for an industrial grade acrylic i.e. DULUX LIFEMASTERdata sheet @http://www.devoecoatings.com/datasheets-mini-individual.html?ID=1103this stuff sticks to every thing and is waterbournewe use it on outdoor pumps and equipment and the ones we did 5 years when we started using it still look new, expect $35 to $45 a gallon but its worth it.
*Thanks a lot, hitechredneck. I got the name of the rep in my area from the link, so we'll see how things go. Don't mind the higher price for quality stuff- hopefully my results will correspond with yours.Much appreciated,Steve
*It's really important to clean the metal before using a water based paint. Use denatured alchohol or naphtha, not solvent or lacquer thinner.
*the por 15 helps prevent any further rust and can be top coated with any oil paqint or latex. it must be covered however. it comes in black white and silver. i did my jeep with it 6 years ago on rust spots, and have no additional rust.
*Thanks for the information, David and Bill. I haven't been able to look for the POR 15 yet, but it sounds like a great primer, and top coating with a water-based paint should work out. Thanks again,Steve
*I've use POR 15 extensively in automotive resto. A couple of points - Paint will not stick to it unless it is primed when tacky and it needs to be stored in the fridge after opening, put saran wrap between the lid and the can or the stuff will bond the lid and you will NEVER get it open. That said, it's great stuff and probably overkill in this situation. Any good quality oil based paint over top of good primer (I'm fond of the rustoleum rusty metal primer - one of their industrial products) should last a good long time.Mike
*Thanks for responding, Michael. I'm still looking into all possible options, and I appreciate your suggestion. I've also had good results with both the clean metal and rusty metal Rustoleum primers. As this railing stretches almost all the way around the house, I really want to make sure I do it right the first time.Thanks again,Steve
Will any oil-based paint work on metal railings? I've sanded down to bare metal and was going to use Rustoleum or something similar, but it seems that Rustoleum can't be mixed for a custom color (true?). Can I prime with Rustoleum and finish with an oil-based paint that isn't specifically made for metal?
Thanks for any help or suggestions