Most of the Orange Aprons I’ve talked to say that you should never glue parquet down onto oriented strand board, only on wood or plywood. I checked a couple of buckets of (latex) glue at the stores, and some of them do state on the label that OSB is not an acceptable substrate
So, is this just another urban myth, or is there something to it? Has anyone had any difficulties in this department? Or other comments?
Doc – The Old Cynic
I use fine-thread drywall screws to hold hardwood parquet down to OSB. Glue seems overkill when you do it this way
drywall screws to hold hardwood parquet down to OSB.
That's from underneath, right? (G)
Hmmm..... That will sure wreak havoc with the foamboard underneath the slab
Doc - The Old Cynic
There's OSB and then there's OSB, and then again, OSB is...
the original OSB "Waferboard" isn't good for anything, even a dog house.
The OSB we get now is a little better for sheathing but the jury is still out for horizontal applications like roofs and floors.
Advantec subfloor material looks a lot like OSB but is superior to plywood in most ways.
-----All of these get called OSB but not all of them are.
The two concerns would be structural - will it move and sag and imntegrity - will it delaminate and produce bad bonds?
Since the wafers are glued to gether, I would speculate whether the glue manufactures are afraid of chemical reactions.
Excellence is its own reward!
I'm doing some work in a new house under construction, and they are using Advantec. First time I had seen it. Heavy. Seems well made. What makes it better?
I don't know.
Frame this post! Jencar asked last night if there is anything that I don't know.
I suppose it's the type of glues or resins they stick it together with or it could have to do with the pressure applied and the curing process.
I'm sure another thread titled, "What makes Advantec better" could bring an answer. It's practically waterproof. Weathers real well without delamination..
Excellence is its own reward!
I don't know
Oh my God, The world is coming to an end, the apocalypse is near and hell hath frozen over. I never thought I would live to see the day of judgement which is fast approaching J LMAO
Edit: Just wanted to let you know I was just kidding before I get a warning. Your knowledge is greatly appreciated
Edited 1/30/2003 9:00:18 PM ET by CAG
I don't give warnings!
I shoot first
Excellence is its own reward!
Depends on whether the adhesive is solvent or water based.
You get water (latex) near OSB and it will move, and so will the parquet.
A solvent based adhesive will not expand and move the OSB, although the OSB will need a NIOSHA respirator with activated charcoal filters, and so will you, or you will both get sick, and die horrible construction related deaths.
OSB will need a NIOSHA
respirator with activated charcoal filters
...Or risk being so high you can't reach the floor, maybe?
Good point, though. Thanks
Doc - The Old Cynic
I remember one restaurant floor that left me quite happy for a day or so - untill the hangover hit!
It was twenty below outside so I didn't ventilate and I was working alone all night long to accomadate schedule. I realized later that they could have found me prone and without a heartbeat, but with a smile on my face..
Excellence is its own reward!