I seem to be getting more and more calls from homeowners complaining of the quality of Patriot Windows. Mostly air leakage, from around the sash either at the check rail or jambs. I went to a house last week that had 6′ high twin double-hungs with transoms, all mulled together. The vertical mull between the units wasn’t straight, on any of the windows in the million dollar house. They all bowed either one way or the other.
Today I measured the thickness of the insulated glass at the center of the sash and at the edges. The thickness in the center is half the thickness of the edges. The center of the glass is touching the ‘grilles between the glass’ on the inside and out. Twenty years ago this was a problem, but on windows that are only a few years old? She said they are Argon filled, which means the gas leaked out and ambient air could not get back in = collapsed glass. The technology to remedy this was developed twenty years ago.
With most windows we service there are ‘service parts’ and tricks to make the windows perform better. I’m at a loss what to do besides replacing.
Does anyone else see any of these problems? Any suggestions?
I guess installing a storm window on a vinyl window would look kinda tacky?
"I guess installing a storm window on a vinyl window would look kinda tacky?"
Forgive me, but I would think putting vinyl windows on a "million dollar" home is also as tacky, as tacky as putting lipstick on a pig......
There are things you can do to improve most any window, but sometimes it will impede operation. A source for some weatherstripping is crlaurence.com
"It is what it is."
I was kidding about the storm windows......Visit Maryland sometime, vinyl windows have become more the norm than the exception around here in new homes of all value. Tacky and cheap by all standards, but still the reality.I guess this is more a rant then anything else. We mostly replace balancers, glass, sashes and other various parts of windows and doors of all manufacturers. We mostly use OEM parts, when available. We've replaced a lot of parts in other manufacturers older vinyl windows, but have not seen air leakage like in the 'new installation' vinyl windows. .View Image
Edited 9/25/2008 4:08 pm ET by jocobe
I am not familiar with PATRIOT windows, but it sounds like there should be 2 locks on these windows. It also sounds like they nead new windows!>G<
1 thing I do not understand. Patriot has a water drainage system where the water drains to a subsill and out weep holes in the front. The drains are located where the balancer shoes travel on each side of the lower sash.... so when the wind blows in those weep holes air leaks up both sides of the lower sash.
How do windows like this even get rated?
If you can get me detailed pics, I can come up with different ways to improve the w/s and your leaking issues. One way I fix leaks from positive pressure in weep holes is with a foam open matrix that I install into the weeps. It is similar to the foam gutter leaf guard stuff.
I will help as much as I am able. I would need pics of any kers in sash an of the weeps.
"It is what it is."