Okay guys, Where do I find this item? Twenty years ago, my brother-in-law in Florida gave me a washer that is the size of a quarter with a detented hole in the center to accept #6 drywall screw . It is somewhat cup-shaped with a series of holes around the center hole. The purpose of this device is to suck up sagging plaster in old ceilings. (Screw through the washer into the redwood lath or buttonboard and into the joist or rafter.) I can’t find them anywhere. I have shown this device(I keep it on my keychain) to probably 500 carpenters, remodelers, drywallers and suppliers all over So. Cal. over the last 20 years and NO ONE has a clue as to where to buy them. Win the prize, be my bud and tell me where I can get some.
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
Jim - If no one answers this, search the archives. In the 6 months I've been reading here, plaster has come up a few times. More than once, someone has posted the web address of a plasterer's site, similar to this one. I visited it once, so I know it's there, but I don't know the address. - jb
*I have seen them in an old mcfeelys catalog. Try http://www.mcfeelys.com and see if they still carry them.
*I've seen Dryvit guys who had them in the truck, not sure why.
*Plaster washers:Charles St. Supply Co.54 Charles Street, Boston MA 021141-800-382-4360Or you can cut your own washers out of aluminum coke cans.G*
*If you look in the back of several magazines including Old House Journal and This Old House I remember seeing an ad for plastic plaster washers
Okay guys, Where do I find this item? Twenty years ago, my brother-in-law in Florida gave me a washer that is the size of a quarter with a detented hole in the center to accept #6 drywall screw . It is somewhat cup-shaped with a series of holes around the center hole. The purpose of this device is to suck up sagging plaster in old ceilings. (Screw through the washer into the redwood lath or buttonboard and into the joist or rafter.) I can't find them anywhere. I have shown this device(I keep it on my keychain) to probably 500 carpenters, remodelers, drywallers and suppliers all over So. Cal. over the last 20 years and NO ONE has a clue as to where to buy them. Win the prize, be my bud and tell me where I can get some.