Plumbing – laundry faucet to main trap ?
- laundry room faucet is replaced (Empco out, Waltec in) about 18 years old.
- original plumber sweated ½” type L for hot and cold and ¼” soft copper for the faucet to main trap line.
- the copper drain line goes through floor and transitions to plastic tube right below foor (copper section is about 6′ in total.
- an Ander-Lyn to ¼” MPS is used to attach the copper to the new faucet; but, because that can’t be turned or wrenched (fitting inside couter-top), the line is cut about 1′ down and a ¼ Ander-Lyn union joins it back up.
- the copper is old, no longer flexible, scratched up and dented: the union leaks.
- advice received, a) put plug into faucet and ignore trap line or b) put in a new copper section or c) replace copper with plastic or d) replace Ander-Lyn with soldered connector.
I’m asking for help to narrow down the advice.
Holy crap Phill can you re-type that in English ;-)
1. Empco?---- or Emco---- Waltec---- isn't that a Canadian Delta?
2. 1/4" line to trap? Why is there a 1/4" line to a trap?
3. Is this for a trap primer for a main bulding trap?
4. OK I give what is an "Ander-Lyn" ? --- MPS ??????
5. OK how about a pic?
“A universal peace, it is to be feared, is in the catalogue of events, which will never exist but in the imaginations of visionary philosophers, or in the breasts of benevolent enthusiasts.” —James Madison
In American after looking up spelling:
¼"OD x ¼"OD Ander-Lign Compression Union; and, w/Insert Ander-Lign Compression Connector.
This is the main trap from a house and the hose squirts a little water in there every time the laundry room faucet is turned on. It is code for new construction here.
Edited to fix, and then remove characters not supported by the site.
<!----><!----> <!---->
Phill Giles<!----><!---->
The Unionville Woodwright<!----><!---->
Edited 2/18/2007 3:25 pm ET by PhillGiles
Edited 2/18/2007 3:27 pm ET by PhillGiles
OK thought it was some sort of trap primer.
Main building traps---- wow haven't seen them in a long time.
It's a redundant system, if it squirts water into the main when the faucet is turned on so does the faucet itself via the laundry drain.
I install a lot of trap primers, but their on traps that don't get any normal usage of water like a floor drain.
A.O.Smith P traps are a favorite of mine for trap primers----- no moving parts.
If it was me I would just plug it since it's only 1/4" it will plug from natural sediment anyways over time.“A universal peace, it is to be feared, is in the catalogue of events, which will never exist but in the imaginations of visionary philosophers, or in the breasts of benevolent enthusiasts.” —James Madison