Before I call the inspector in the morning, is there a maximum length horizontal run on a plumbing vent? This is for a kitchen sink and I’m trying to get over to my one code mandated plumbing penetration. Don’t want 50 penetrations.
The run would be about 40′ horizontal and 20 or so vertical. I have lots of room so I can upsize the vent size and get more than 1/4″ pitch.
Also as I understand, I need to check on whether wet venting is allowed because certain codes allow it and certain ones don’t.
I don't think there's a limit. It's all about slope and drainage (unlike flues, where there are limits on horizontal in relation to vertical because you need an effective draft). I've run a couple of vents quite a distance horizontally thru attics to get them away from skylights, maybe 25 feet or more.
Some jurisdictions will let you wet vent the toilet, that's all I've heard of and otherwise it's a no-no.
i got a dry vent that 38 feet long and it pass. all a vent does is equal the pressue from outside to drain. as long as fluid not flowing in the vent part itself it doesnt matter.
Cool! Thanks for the quick responses. I will ask just to be sure and then clear the wet venting of the toilet. I guess it's no big deal if I can't wet vent, just run another line.