I built a large pressure treated deck (spf) and let it sit for 2 years before finishing it. I finished it in Sept-Oct and by Jan-Feb the finish was peeling in great big flakes.
Just wondering if anyone else has had issues with Cabots semi transparent, tinted deck/fence stain?
I've had good luck with Cabot's products over the years. You might try calling their technical service department- 1 800 US STAIN. What kind of prep work did you do?
How did you prep your deck? After 2 yrs I can imagine any kind of finish peeling unless the prep was immaculate.
Not the same stuff, but... I used Cabot's Australian Timber Oil on a hardwood deck and it was gone in <4 months. Several others here and on the decks forum have mentioned the same problem. I've noticed lots of complaints about most or all of the low-VOC products - from just about every manufacturer; even if their "normal" finish is the best thing ever.
spf and not SYP?
Anyway, after two years, that wood have a lot of dirt ground into it. If you did not prep by sanding, vacumnig, and using a tack clothe, you should expect it to come back off agin
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Most likely not a stain problem but preparation problem. You've got to paint/stain fresh dry wood before the sun/elements start ot modify the surface! I have 19 year old Cabot stain on my wood shutters and its just starting to need re-staining if you view it up close....from the road looks very good. The wood window sills that get a lot of direct perpendicular sunlight needed stain at 14-15 years. Have not seen many stains last that long.
Finished in Sept-Oct. in Alaska. What where the weather conditions and was there a moisture problem from a morning dew. That was pretty late in the year around here, never mind Alaska. Sounds to me like poor adhesion due to a moisure problem.