This is my first post although I have been “reading” for some time now.
What I like to know is whether piping for a natural gas line (1/2 inch black iron) that has been run through the back of a masonry fireplace from the gas meter outside to a gas fireplace (logs) needs to have some type of protective sleeve between the pipe and the masonry. The gas fireplace was installed some years ago. I do not belief there was a building perimit for this job. I life in N. VA. Thanks for any advice.
Some jurisdictions require a sleeve.
My jurisdiction does not, but pipe in contact & passing through the masonry must be galvanized.
“The world is a dangerous place, not because of those who do evil, but because of those who look on and do nothing.” —Albert Einstein
Thanks for the info.
Minor point: Some buildings in Minneapolis (or was it St Cloud?) blew up some years back when gas from a broken line got into the buildings through the sleeve opening. So any sleeve should be well-caulked against both water and gas.
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