i’m in the process of rebuilding a porch with significant water damage, and am planning to leave an escape for rainwater between the floor and the bottom screen frames/rail. swmbo thinks there can be no gap of any kind, because bugs will crawl under, and i know that water needs a way out. i’m in baton rouge with 60 inches rainfall per year and 89% average humidity, so moisture is an issue. we also have on occasion experienced driving rain (ie andrew, ivan, katrina, rita, etc.)
how do most people deal with the issue? if you dont leave a slight gap, how do you provide for drainage. if you do leave a gap, how big a gap, and do mosquitos walk under the rail?
The nicest I've seen was a continuous bottom rail against the floor, with little screened 3" diameter half-round openings in that, about every foot.
Pretty, but labor intensive.
My wife's great uncle was convinced that was the only way to do it right!
My screened in porch has a hole every 4 feet or so, with no screen. I suppose some crawlies get in, but no mosquitoes.