I was pricing some light panels for a small pole barn I’m building and came across these clear corrogated PVC panels. Much cheaper than fiberglass and about 1/2 the price of polycarbonate. Never seen them before. Manufacturer had a promo sheet comparing them with their poly panels, said they were guaranteed 5 yrs and good to 32 degrees f. I guess what I want to know is what happens after 5 yrs and what happens when they freeze? They’ll comprise the top 2′ of a 10′ wall so I’m not too concerned about them getting banged around.
Thanks, JonC
I used PVC once for a patio cover, I haven't been called back, but this is a no freeze area. The panels were 26" wide but had a non standard number of corrigations so with the lap they did not cover 24". I got to the end of the roof and had to buy another panel and rip it to make up the difference.
*Mike,How long has it been up?JonC