Question about slab for storage shed

I’m building a storage ‘shed’ at the outside back wall of my garage, under the existing overhang. Will pour a slab, 3′ x 10′ x 4″. The ‘shed” is only 22″ deep (just under the overhang), so there will be no appreciable weight on the slab- just two short side walls, the front will be almost all doors with a 1 foot section of wall at each end, and the back wall will be the existing concrete block of the garage.
Do I need to tie this new piece of slab into the existing garage slab (using rebar dowels/epoxy?)? The new slab will also butt into an existing sidewalk at one end- should it be dowelled to the sidewalk?
From what I figure, this will take 10 cubic feet of concrete- it seems do-able with a rental mixer that does two bags per batch– what do you think- manageable with two guys mixing, pouring, screeding?
Thanks for your attention.
Thanks for responding- I decided on a slab because it's basically on sand, and I want a little area to stand- though you've got me re-thinking-
Also, if I do a slab, does there need to be aggregate in the mix, or just use bags of regular cement?