question about supply ducts and airflow
Hello! I renovated a house and have all new heating and cooling, excellent AirBear system. The house is a one story ranch with walk out basement, and naturally there supply and return ducts run the length of the house, throught the basement and garage, just offset from center beam. And the central unit is located about 80% on one end of the house. I have a real problem getting airflow thru my registers the further away I get from it, i.e. towards the other end of the house. Of course distance will affect the force at which the air moves, but about ten feet from the central unit, there is a bend, or swag, in the supply duct, a curve which offsets the supply run (over the rest of the length) about two to three feet from the existing run from the blower to where the swag starts. Does anyone have any suggestions other than to install those inline duct airflow boosters where the 6 round supply ducts “T” off the supply line? I was also thinking of reworking that part of the supply run to turn the curve more into a straight angle, maybe that would not back up or restrict the airflow so much. Any suggestions would be great. thanks!
The first thing I'd try before reworking the ductwork is to adjust the dampers in each leg. Start with them all fully open. Then in runs close to the furnace or rooms that are constantly on the warm side damper them down about 45°. Less than 45° hardly reduces the air flow at all, but you can go up to fully closed if you wish. After you think you've got them set, play with them over the course of several days.