refinished my wood floors about May this year. We have ceramic tile installed in the front entry into the LR. (was that way when we bought the house.) The tiles came loose and noticed the condition of the wood floor was in pretty good shape under the tile. Wifey wants the entry way wood floors refinished to match /Blend in with the L/R floor. by the way I for got to mention they are the same floor. When you enter the house you enter directly into the L/R. Will this be possible to match w/out damaging the finish on the L/R or maybe end up with a phantom seam. I still have the original stain and finish left that I used on the L/R floor. it is polo plaz super 400 a urethane. thanks guys for your help.
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Hi Ron,
It can be done but it's tricky, as the urethane coating will have yellowed slightly since May.
Sand the new section, feathering back into the existing with very fine grit on an orbital sander.
Stain the same color as before and put on one coat of urethane -- if the color is different, I would adjust it by mixing stain with the second coat of urethane and then add a third coat.
As I said, it's tricky, but the alternative is sand back both areas and re-coat -- lot of work!
*ian,thats what i was thinking, its a relatively small area maybe 5ftx6 ft its kind of a dark room so hopefully it wont be noticed. i have another question for you will the thin set get into the grain of the wood and interfere with the finish or will it sand out ok. thanks in advance..ron
*Ron,How far the thin-set has penetrated the grain of the timber really depends on what type of timber it is -- you didn't say. Sanding will take out most of it (probably all of it if the timber is something like maple) but what is left in could show dark under the stain. It sounds as though the best thing to do would be to sand and coat a small test patch first, but as I said before, your alternative is to sand back the whole floor and you don't want to do that.
*Yea I guess i should said what kind of wood the floor is huh. Its abbout a 50 y.o. oak strip flooring that is original to the house. I do think it will sand out. Im gonna start with 40 grit s.p. and work my way up to 180 or 220.
*Ron,Why not leave the boxed out area at the entry different than the rest?You know that's the area that will always need to be refinished more often than any other area.Box out the area with a nice wood border of a different species like dark walnut and infill the rest with oak or maple or birch or cherry or ETC.Just another thought....Gabe
*gabe ,you know that could be why the previous owner tiled it in the first case. I tried to explain the to wifey and well you guys know the rest...
refinished my wood floors about May this year. We have ceramic tile installed in the front entry into the LR. (was that way when we bought the house.) The tiles came loose and noticed the condition of the wood floor was in pretty good shape under the tile. Wifey wants the entry way wood floors refinished to match /Blend in with the L/R floor. by the way I for got to mention they are the same floor. When you enter the house you enter directly into the L/R. Will this be possible to match w/out damaging the finish on the L/R or maybe end up with a phantom seam. I still have the original stain and finish left that I used on the L/R floor. it is polo plaz super 400 a urethane. thanks guys for your help.