Quick IRC code question: PVC vent piping for bathroom exhausts.
Does the IRC allow the use of pvc for vent piping of bathroom exhaust fans?
I know the IRC doesn’t allow the use of pvc for dryer vents.
I just need to know if I can use it for a bathroom fan. Both local suppliers were out of 4-inch galvanized vent pipe today when I went to buy some. And, I would really like to finish this project, this weekend.
Don't have
my code book here, but I believe you can use plastic pipe. After all, you can use insulated flex, which is a plastic slinky wrapped in fiberglass and then more plastic. And, radon fans all seem to vent through plastic pipe....
Of course, all that really matters is what your inspector will accept.
I'm too lazy to dig through my irc book, but I'm guessing yes since many fans are plastic, the fan housings are plastic, and the roof vents are plastic. Having said that, I've never hooked one up with anything but insulated flex so can't say for sure.