Informal poll: (prompted by reference to Emerson in another thread)
How many here have taken advantage of the decade old Emerson (Sears) RAS recall offer?
Find old craftsman RAS for as low as $20 at garage sales, 5 min on the internet and Emerson sends you a box for the motor and carriage, takes another 5 min to put the motor and carriage inthe box, 6 weeks later you get a $100 check. $8/min payoff not counting garage sale scrounging time, that goes into the recreation category.
There seem to be NO guards available for any of the models, at least none I’ve entered.
Only done 2 like that, one years ago, just got a check for the 2nd. Still have 4 RAS, burn one out, send it in?.
Funny you should mention that now. Every so often I look for the thread I saw about that. Look here, JLC, Contractor'sTalk. Can't find it.
Last evening it hits me again. Still can't find it. Finally decide to search the Web. DUH!
Find the site and phone #. Find the model #. Will call Monday.
Been looking to get rid of it anyway. Don't use it. Got it for free. Want the space in my basement shop back.
I did it. I liked the saw but it took up too much room in the garage. The $100 was what I would have sold it for anyway.
they didn't offer me a 100 , just sent me a retrofit kit . I think it depends on what model you have how they handle it