I read somewhere (i think it was here) about cutting down the flex in an I-joist floor by adding some plywood to the webbing. Can anyone refresh my memory?
I’m preparing to start a basement job and the client is complaining about a bouncy living room floor. Id’ like to tackle the bouncy floor before starting the basement.
any blocking tying the i-joists together? - also - check with the i-joist makers for their solutions - certainly not the first time this problems come up
Honestly I cant remember if there is blocking or not. I know that would help but I was also considering building up the webs.
When you purchase one or a truckload, there should be included an installers sheet that will clearly explain how to do what you want to do.
The Mfgr's guidelines are important if you want to do it right and maintain warrantee.
Thanks, but i'm not buying the I-joists. The house is already built, i'm doing the basement.
Sounds like no matter what I need to contact the manufacturer.
Anyone else?
Look for a mfgr's stamp, find their web site. Likely the info is online.
If your local yard handles BC-I's (Boise Cascade)or TG-I's (Trus-Joist, AKA Weyerhaeuser), I'm sure they will gladly give you the pamplet....it's a single sheet foldout, made for the jobsite.
What about possible framing deficiencies- like a load bearig wall on top or a heavy tiled bath wall above a single joist? Maybe you'll find an area where a joist needs doubling up. Also, when thats done, strapping the ceiling will help keep the joists from torqueing. Are you putting in any partitions in that could help- sometimes you can get a header in above a built in entertainment center.
Nope none of that. Its a single story condo and the "big bounce" problem is in the living room. Mostly open floor. Sorry I cant remember all the important specs, I think its a 12' span and the joists, 16"o/c look to be about 10" tall.
I was brought in to build the basement, the floor bounce was sort of a side discussion. Thats why I dont have all the specs.
There have been several threads about this issue over the years. Try the advanced search and you could probably coem up with a whole bunch of them.