What is the most durable way of refinishing wood exterior doors?
We will be taking solid core wood exterior doors (from a church) off their hinges and belt sanding them smooth and repairing small holes and separations. Then applying stain to match the existing and then applying a urethane finish or clear protective coating??? These doors have no lites, louvres, openings or protecting storm doors. What is the best finish and application to use?
This church is subject to the climate in Canada (eastern Ontario area)
Any opinions or advice?
I love the look of water-white varnish on these older wood surfaces.
*I would avoid the belt sander. You will load up the belts in no time plus the resulting ugly surface will be magnified once the finish is on.Lay flat on horses, chemically strip, neutralize as necessary, make repairs.Use random orbit with 60 grit then clean surface with several tack cloths.Apply 3-4 coats of minwax clear shield - it has much more UV protector than their spar varnish.You have quite a job ahead of you.
What is the most durable way of refinishing wood exterior doors?
We will be taking solid core wood exterior doors (from a church) off their hinges and belt sanding them smooth and repairing small holes and separations. Then applying stain to match the existing and then applying a urethane finish or clear protective coating??? These doors have no lites, louvres, openings or protecting storm doors. What is the best finish and application to use?
This church is subject to the climate in Canada (eastern Ontario area)
Any opinions or advice?