I’m looking to take out our water softener (we switched to Lake Michigan water years ago and we haven’t used the softener since we moved in 8 yrs ago).
Can I take out the yellow marked pipes and just put in a new tee and elbow to bypass the softener so I can take it out?
Yes, but there is often a bypass valve right in the back of the filter head the you can turn and bypass it. On mine the entire unit can be removed when it is in bypass. That way you could reinstall easily if you ever wanted too although I get the feeling that's not very likely.
It's already on a bypass setting, but I'll have to check to see if that means that I can just take the softener out. That seems like it woudl be a better idea. Maybe the next family in this house would want one.
If there's no bypass valve I'd just put a U on the pipes feeding the softener. Less work and easier to reinstall the softener later.