Removing the attic from a 1 and 1/2 story house. Where are the ceiling joists?
My Wife and I are moving into a new house and we want to know if it would be feasible to remove the attic floor to give the second floor master bedroom more vertical space. We want to know if this can be done without major architectural changes (i.e. removing ceiling joists and reinforcing the framing).
The big question is the location of the ceiling joists. In a 1 1/2 story home, do the ceiling joists reside between the first floor and second floor, or do they reside between the second floor and attic??
If the attic is floored off on collar ties, will removing a few of them compromise the integrity of the house?
Here is a more detailed description of the House.
Built in 1928, its a side gabled house with a high pitched roof supported by rafters (not trusses). Im not sure of the distance between the rafters, The attic is about 6’3” at its tallest, but the slope is so steep making it unattractive for finishing.
Im happy to give more information, we actually move into the house in two weeks so I can give a better description then.
Many thanks!
The question in your second paragraph is confusing. The ceiling joists for a room reside above that room, whereever it is. Those joists may also be floor joists for a floor above. In the case of a 1-1/2 story house, the ceiling joists above the upper rooms might also serve as "collar ties" that hold the roof together -- hard to tell without an inspection by a knowledgeable person.
Forget it, it's really not a good idea, and will decrease the sale price of your house, make the structure less sound, and cost a lot more than you think because it will have to be code approved most likely with an engineers stamp.
In a 1926 house what you propose would be a huge, expensive job. You'd need a good engineer and an experienced contractror and lots of money.