Hi all
I have a friend that owns an unique old (1840)home in the northshore area of MA. Absolutely gorgeous house that has three massive columns on the front portico. The columns are approx. 24″ in diameter and 20′ tall. One column has some pretty serious rot (approx 4′ up from base) and needs to be addressed. I’m a general contractor but not up to to speed in correctly fixing the column so I was wondering if anybody here would have any interest in looking at/fixing the column. Failing that any suggestions. Thanks.
Hey Ron - Some additional info might help steer answers in a better direction for you. Posting some pictures would be great too. If the house is 1840's would it be maybe a greek revival - smooth doric columns or fluted? Load bearing? Any idea on the wood species? Columns that big on a house that old with as much rot as you describe probably means replacing bad sections rather than an epoxy repair. Fortunately there's lots of very talented woodworking shops on the northshore.
Yes it is Greek revival. Unfortunately the last time I was there it was pouring buckets and couldn't take any photos. I'm not sure of the species of wood. I've lived on the northshore for 56 years and haven't had the need for this type of work but would appreciate any names anybody might have that could fix this problem. I'll try and get some pictures and post them here. Thanks for your response.
I might have the guy for you - he's a shipwright and a cabinet maker. I sent on his contact info in an e-mail to you.