Replac Basement Windows in a Stone Fo
Hi –
I need some advice on replacing the old rotting wooden basement windows in my old stone foundation. I live in New England and I’m getting to much of winters blast through these falling apart windows. The existing window frames seem to be 2×6’s set in some type of mortar base in the stone foundation. Would this be the same way I should replace them? That is do I set new windows into a mortar base or do I first rebuild the wooden frame out of pressure treated wood and then set the new windows into the new wooden frames? Or is there another and better way? Thanks.
I would carefully remove all of the wood including the frames (bucks). Build new bucks out of PT and mortar it in place and pin it into the foundation if you can easily enough. Use a vinyl or fiberglass widow unit to replace the old.
"May the forces of evil be confused on the way to your house." -George Carlin
I'll second everything Chicago Mike said and add this link for possible custom size vinyl window supplier: I'm satisfied with their products. You can find local dealers there too.
I build new frames from PT and glue them to the old mortar IF it is sound. The problem is that half the time, these old stone walls are still moving. Then you have to adapt...
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I was able to save my original bucks with WoodEpox. I got my swing-in hopper windows from Home Depot and they seemed good enough for the price ($80 each, custom sized). It's an unfinished basement, so I don't need anything fancy, just openable for ventilation. I installed new exterior (blind) stops using primed door stop trim. Then I used quarter round for my interior stops. I installed burglar bars at the exterior of the windows, so that I could leave them open without worry. All in all, it was one of the easier projects I've attempted...
Thanks for all the advice. I'll take some carefull measurements, since windows are not all the same size, and start to build some new PT bucks and then look at new windows to fit. Thanks again.