my father in-laws double hung windows are in need of replacement – they’re the old one’s with the weights in the walls, and they rack as you try to open them. I seem to recall an aftermarket “track” system that you can retrofit to old double hungs – essentially snip off the old weights and reuse the old sashes by snapping them in to this track that you install on the jambs. Anyone know what i’m talking about? Sure would appreciate the help, could use some points with the old man……
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my father in-laws double hung windows are in need of replacement - they're the old one's with the weights in the walls, and they rack as you try to open them. I seem to recall an aftermarket "track" system that you can retrofit to old double hungs - essentially snip off the old weights and reuse the old sashes by snapping them in to this track that you install on the jambs. Anyone know what i'm talking about? Sure would appreciate the help, could use some points with the old man......