I went to look at some work on a Frank Lloyd Wright home today. Wonderful home and owner.
He asked me what my thoughts were on double glazing the windows. They are all leaded glass fixed or casement and the stop stands proud of the outside face of the rails and stiles by about 3/16″.
His idea (and I think I agree) is to remove the stop, install a spacer of some sort (the leaded glass came stands proud of the glass by probably 3/16″) between the leaded glass and the new “storm” pane and re-install the stop, ripped to compensate for the added thickness with weep holes added at the bottom.
Whatcha guys think?
This sort of thing is done fairly often with church windows. You might try to find some churches nearby that have had the treatment and see how they did it.
Good idea - thanks.copper p0rn