Folks, we’re considering revamping the folders that you post to — you know, Construction Techniques, Feedback on FHB, The Woodshed Tavern and so forth.
So, two questions: Should we? And, if we should, how can we do so in order to improve Breaktime? For example, should there be fewer folders? More, and more topic-specific folders?
Starting to look like Gabe should have his own "Ask Gabe" folder. :) Joe H
*The format as it is is very good - better than most discussion forums I've seen on the internet relating to the building industry.Two things I'd like to see:(1) Add just a few more categories, major ones such as "Framing" or "Plumbing". OR, add several more categories, but organize them into a tree-structure, for example "Home Automation" as a subcategory of "Electrical"(2) Classify EVERY new thread (perhaps have the author do this when first posted, then once a day have the BreakTime administrator edit the classifications as necessary. Additionally, provide an "All-Inclusive" category that shows EVERY active thread, while mirroring the threads in the appropriate category based on classification.
*andy.. it ain't broke....
*Sounds like work for a librarian/info architect to me!
*I agree with Smith, it ain't broke. But adding a plumbing and electrical categories would be nice. If there's not enough discussion on them to warrant a seperate folder for each, maybe a combined "mechanicals" or "building systems" category? Basically everything non-carpentry/framing and non HVAC?Like Smith, hey, whadda i no?
View Image
*You guys so far pretty much echo my thinking. However, the question bears asking and I hope for more comments.Andy
*too many folders and you get lost too easy on where to post or where to look at what interests you newbies will be in even more trouble, look at the number of posts already in an inappropriate folder.
*I only look at a couple of folders now. Spread it all out too thin and discussions will slow down. I'd let it be.
*Somebody got Tinkeritis? Saw a guy once tinker his car right into the junk yard. You got a great thing going, don't mess with it.
*OK....Maybe you could separate out the Folders that deal with using the site...such as...Site Status...About Breaktime....blah blah blah...Content Policy....Feedback on FHB Mag....blah blah blah...Issues for sale....blah blah blah...Help Wanted...blah...Just one...b Help, & General Site Use Button.And one Folder b Mechanicals, Insulation, & More...near the simpler is better stream,ajps...all is fine as is too...as Mikey says.
*As it is now, we have the list of folders, and the big un-folderized region right below them where we are now. To discipline us into using the folders, you'd probably have to turn this into an "all other construction related" folder, put it last, or just before the tavern, and eliminate the ability to post outside a folder.I second the motion to combine several of the low-activity site administration folders into one, and to break up this general posting area and construction techniques into trade related folders for rough framing, plumbing, electrical, concrete, etc. Then watch the activity of the folders, and split or combine them as necessary. Having a staff person read everything and re-assign stuff to different folders is probably a bad precedent because it would be labor intensive and drive up the cost of providing this site. Taunton deserves our thanks for providing this valuable service for free. They don't even have a link on it to their book sales site. When I went to buy some Taunton books as Christmas presents, I had to Google them to find the sales site.-- J.S.
*Perhaps we don't even allow any posting on the main page, and require everybody to go to a folder.
*I might suggest a bar across top to access folders so you don't have to go back to "discussion" each time.I poke my nose here on occasions and have noticed an increase of users lately. If usage increases, topics may move off the front page too quickly for enough quality responses. I would consider having "construction techniques" sub-categorized into "heating, venting,ect." and "electrical" and then let the rest of the page be general like it is.Good luck pleasing this crowd with even changing a font and thanks for the hard work.
*Leave it the way it is. Less is more.Gary
*Is there anyway that free beer could be made to flow out our floppy port or somewhere when we are "in the tavern"? Mr. T.
*What's wrong with the way it is?Am I missing something?Are we going to improve this thing straight into the ground?Is this like, going to be "New Coke"?Remember "New Coke"?Nobody else does either.Don't re-invent the wheel.Just let it roll.Ed.
*I basically agree with those who say don't change it much. But, (always a but), I would like to see a folder for restoration/preservation to encourage more of that sort of discussion.
*No change please. Thanks Andy.
*Andy,The no change group has my vote,why mess with a good thing.And if Gabe gets a folder then Pete should get the rezident left wing liberal spokes preson folder.Vince
*Andy,The open list on the front page is too short. Things get pushed out of view too fast. I think you should either make everything start in a folder or go back to a longer first page. Steve
*Andy,Folders folders we dont need more stinkin folders... leave them the way they are.
*My vote is with Mike.
*I vote for the longer first page .Then leave it alone , but move the picture book to the bottom so it does not get used as the main board.
*What about the person who was getting a shock in the shower?? Would that go into electrical, or plumbing??
*yeah, would like a longer first page, like before.
*Only one change PLEASErename the Gallery and move it down from the top
*another vote for a longer front page - de-cluttering the front page by fileing the little used folders in a catch-all folder is a good idea; thanks for the effort you and your cohorts put into this electronic community -
*How about allowing a user to define a personal "view" of threads in his/her profile by marking check boxes corresponding to the folders he/she wants to see. Threads for those folders would be combined and displayed together in order of most recent posts. Other folders could be accessed in the usual way. The default view for new visitors would be the way things look now. (This suggestion is similar to Chris Zito's earlier suggestion of mirroring threads.)If that isn't feasible, then just lengthen the list of threads on the main page and leave the folders alone. I believe many of us don't have time to read all of the threads, so we choose some to read based on the thread titles. If the titles are buried in various folders, it won't be possible to compare them and choose threads of interest as easily.
*Andy,Condense some as suggested. Leave it alone otherwise.Cliff
*Longer main board page.Leave the rest as it is.James DuHamel
*I second the motion. All in favor?
*Site Status.General construction questions.(sub folders for electric, heating, venting, masonry, etc.)Business.FHB magazine feedback and questions.Help wanted - Work wanted.Photo Gallery.Woodshed tavern.Then longer main page.Content policy should be 'in your face' when you register a name. You can't register without seeing it, and agreeing to it. Other than that, just make a button to access it somewhere, instead of taking space on the page with it. Those who want to read it will use the button. Those who don't want to read it, wouldn't anyway, even with it on the main board.
*These are good questions, Andy, ones posed by a database designer who at least has the sensibility to ask the users what they need.Speed and efficiency (a "real" search engine) are most important to me. Just tell them not to do their annual holiday crash LOL!
*I forgot the question. Oh yeah, should you change things. Naw. Every time they changed things before, it confused everyone. Maybe add a secret handshake to keep the salesmen out.SHG
*Longer first page also gets my vote. I don't have a problem with adding electrical and plumbing folders, but I'm not sure how much they'll be used. If you start "enforcing" threads as someone suggested, I think it will kill off a lot of posting. (I've haunted other boards where this has happened) People don't like to be "policed" too much.
*Stick in the mud Luddites, that's what you are. Well, I'm mostly with you. My own thoughts are that we should look at the About Breaktime folder to make the instructions more user-friendly for newbies. I agree that this main page should have a longer list, but I also think that this page should be consolidated with the Construction folder. We could probably lose Site Status and one or two others like it. I hadn't thought of a Renovation folder. Mostly, I think it works pretty well. I'm glad to hear that most of you agree. We'll keep you aprised if anything is going to change.Thanks for the feedback.Andy
*I would make the main page void of any discussions, just folders. Have whatever is on that main page in its own folder, thereby giving more room for discussions there. Definitely some provision for electrical topics where you can find them.
*Andy, The site is O.K. the way it is in my opinion, but if ya gotta change something, then I would go with the electrical, renovation, plumbing folders idea. Again, the site is O.K. and I enjoy it, keep up the good work.
*More input to the web wienies:Put some Major Effort into a useable Search function. There is a wealth of info in the database: Or, I think there is unless it has been lost. But it is almost impossible to find what you want.Maybe a text search? An index page at the beginning of search? Several ways to do the job depending on hardware and software constraints.
*Oh, golly, golly, golly...New folders need to have specific names. The more specific, the more likely it is that threads will be properly posted in those folders."Electrical" and "Plumbing" make sense. "Concrete," "Plaster and Drywall," and "Tile" do, too. To me, at least.If you really want to go crazy, break out the folders like a construction job is broken out...by the trade. Foundations, Framing, Roofing, Siding/Windows/Exterior Trim, HVAC, Plumbing, Electrical, Insulation, Drywall/Plaster, Flooring, Painting, Interior Trim, on and on...I could see "Renovation" causing confusion. A builder who renovates certianly knows what belongs there, but how about the occasional user, or the person who is "renovating" their house and is upgrading their "electrical." Here? Or there?I'd venture that a few specific folders, along with one or two eclectic "dump" folders would be best. Kind of like what we have now.I suppose that The Tavern be renamed "The Insane Asylum" or "The Cookoo's Nest."Or, just have one huge folder titled..."Ask Gabe"
*MongoToo many folders would look more like the JLC forums. They are really hard to navigate.A better search would be wonderful.Thanks to Taunton for the boards!
*Careful, Tony...The last person that entered the Tavern, drank beer, then let it flow out of his floppy was hauled off by the police.Andy wasn't too happy about having to mop the floor afterwards, either.
*The way I use this absolutely terrific site is either to search for a topic or keywords that interest me (most frequently), or to scroll through the list of subject lines until I either see something of interest, or until I see subjects that I've already read (I try to do this once a week).Quite honestly, even visiting the folders is just an afterthought for me. I'd vote for getting rid of the folders entirely. I don't feel like they add anything to my use of the site, and the topics that I have read in there don't seem to get nearly as much traffic as the other threads on the site. Though a few ideas that I've read in this site appeal to me: folders for tutorials or newbies, or, if you are going to expand the number of folders (which it doesn't sound like you're planning on doing), force every message to be categorized.
*I like it fine the way it is.Bob
*Yes, yes, yes!Improve the search function.SPELL CHECKER!! A good one.Ed.
*Andy:It works. Its simple (so am I). It doesn't need to be fixed. Except for the spell checker.Leave it.Scott
*The basic software package makes this whole setup far superior to JLC. After using this WebX package, I find it intolerable to not be able to view a screen full of posts at a time instead of click...click..clicking through them one at a time as at other forums. I rarely venture elsewhere these days.I agree...I'd rather see things simple, as they are now. I'm not too concerned over threads being kicked off the front page prematurely. If a thread generates interest, additional posts will keep it alive and kicking.If they want to make more folders, though...they should go ahead and make a bunch of them. It'd be awkward for a bit, but we'd settle into to it as we have with all the other changes that have occured over the years. In the long run I do think it would be an improvement, and more folders would keep content on the front page longer, which does seem to be a concern to many.Taunton does have to make some software changes, though. After all, we are due for the annual wintertime crash. It's tradition!
*I keep my cup in the cup holder on my machine (the one you press a butten and it pops out) can it be made to fill my cup?
*My computer supplies beer that way, but I have it wired for voice-command. All I have to do is call out "Barkeep!"
*Just condense the whole shebang into two folders . . .Vent and non-ventEric
*I could agree to the two folder idea if they are titled:"Stuff That Mongo's Interested In" and "Other Stuff."
*How about a foulder for the Canadians? It would only take about 60% of the space of a real foulder.
*Ask Gabe......Now that has a nice ring to it.Naw leave it the way it is but limit the lenght of the post to start a discussion so that you don't have to scribe 5 miles to find out that it's not worth reading.Gabe
*i I suppose that The Tavern be renamed "The Insane Asylum" or "The Cookoo's Nest."Uh oh, are the Cooks making you cuckoo? Hope not!
*i My own thoughts are that we should look at the About Breaktime folder to make the instructions more user-friendly for newbies.If they could program so a first-time user is immediately directed to this page w/hints (w/a link to go to the main board), maybe some people would not post a first post that takes 10 screens to scroll through everytime they read a response. Yeah, I know the Check Msg feature--can't get it to work the way I like to read these boards.There's a discussion over at CT about this, too. We are voting for fewer folders because the webx folks apparently think this is part of the speed problem. I dunno. Just don't crash and lose things again this season.
*Andy: You must be bored!Don
*I believe in Darwin and evolution! Not creationism! Things will need to change as nature requires it. Add a "Comments" folder to be used to help breaktime evolve. Mike Smith says "it ain't broke" but it could be with a little help.
*Jim: That hurt, mainly because its kind of true.Scott, From the Great White North with the 60cent dollar.
*Andy -I'd like to see it simpler, not more complex. As is, I post a message 'somewhere' and can never find it - did that today in fact. Now I have to find a main heading and post it again.(If you find more than one question about old pallets, delete the one that's in th eworng place, okay?. Sorry.)There are too many folders now, for this simple soul.
*Andy, I have noticed that the Photo Gallery has been inserted in between Tools for Woodworking and the Breaktime Tavern. This is outrageous and uncalled for. First, the hijackers sjowed that they can't fly airliners between two skyscrapers and now this. I am sure there are thousands of other users - or at least a few dozen - who are similarally upset and confused about this abrogation and defiance of common sense. Please move the Gallery above the Tools folder. -Peter
*Hello All,I just wanted to say a quick thanks for all the valuable input that you have now provided us. I will be closing this Thread down in the next couple of days but if there is still issues you would like to diuscuss just start up a new thread and keep the conversation rolling or if you have a specific question or comment feel free to send an email to [email protected]. In the meantime Andy and I will be digesting all this info...Thanks Mark (SYSOP)
*Hi Mark,I know I'm not alone in appreciating you requesting our feedback. Based on past experience, it seems you have a promising new job in your future, and we will be starting over again :-)Happy Thanksgiving!
*Kai,I'm not really planning on going anywhere in fact I'm planning on sticking around for a long time to come...I just hope that you all stick around as long as I do. LOLb Have a great Thanksgiving all!!!Mark
*Andy, I'm from the old dogs school, don't make me learn any new tricks, Skip ... keep up the good work.
*I just want to be able to see a longer list of posts. Maybe make it a option in my setup. Not too many other changes are needed.
Folks, we're considering revamping the folders that you post to -- you know, Construction Techniques, Feedback on FHB, The Woodshed Tavern and so forth.
So, two questions: Should we? And, if we should, how can we do so in order to improve Breaktime? For example, should there be fewer folders? More, and more topic-specific folders?