Old timer told me once about a way to apply wipe down on the old varnish with a blend of paint thinner/laqucerthinner or something for a short time then wiping clean and somehow it would reset the old shellac to a more even appearance.
Has anyone ever done this or might one know the directions for the procedure? Thanks
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‘Nemo me impune lacesset’
No one will provoke me with impunity
I can't offer any help, but hope that someone can.
Hey, I got a bump!
cool beans.
Thanks smllr.
be bumped
'Nemo me impune lacesset'No one will provoke me with impunity
Varnish and shellac are two different products. If you have damaged varnish your only option is to strip it and apply new. Damaged shellac can be re-amalgamated with additional coats of new shellac.
Is there a way to determine whether a floor has a shellac finish versus a varnish finish?
apply alcohol at test area.if it dissolves finish, it is shellac.
Use rubbing alcohol to tell if it is shellac.
Use regular alcohol and after a little while it will be clear to you that no touch up is needed, it looks just fine thank you very much.
Try not to use rubbing alcohol for the latter.
If it is shellac, this is what I was told. But I haven't done it myself.
Before you start re-amalgamating, clean the wood with mineral spirits or turpentine. You don't want any wax or dirt.
Mix about equal amounts of denatured alcohol and turpentine. The turpentine keeps the alcohol from flashing away too fast. Put some of the mix in a shallow pan or paint bucket. Use 0000 steel wool and dip in the solution. Rub in a circular motion, and don't let the liquid run.
If you just need to clean it, we've had good luck using waterless hand cleaner. Rub it on with coarse steel wool, and wipe off with rags. Keep two rags going one more dirty than the other and trade out. We found that having a bucket with some Soilax and water cleans the rags well. When they get really dirty, just drop them in the bucket.
Good luck! Let me know how it turns out.
Got that last procedure printed out.
Thanks to all. View Image
'Nemo me impune lacesset'No one will provoke me with impunity