Ridgid FRH Framing Nailer – Any good?

HD is offering their full round head framing gun at 10% off, and my Bostich just had a stroke which will require invasive surgery to diagnose and repair.
Anyone have any experiance with the Ridgid round head framing gun? It has a list of nice-to-haves- rafter hook, swivel air connection, gun bag, dry fire lockout to name those that I can remember, but none of that is any good if it has a tendency to jam unless you use some arcane manufacturers nails.
It would be for intermittent use; for the occasional deck, remodeling, etc.
“I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul.” Invictus, by Henley.
Nailer -
It actually has a better feature set than my Super Max nailer. Had to framus up a rafter hook for the Max. Price is lower and even discounted. R. has a good rep on tools.
The question on nails is a good one. What does Ridgid claim will run in it?
There was a thread on nailers and the guys who own a bunch and use them all the time say Hitachi - but with the adjustable depth. I sold my 83 because the feature set was basically 1. There was an aftermarket nose that would let you adjust depth. Time for something more modern...
The ToolBear
"Never met a man who couldn't teach me something." Anon.
I bought it, the Ridgid. It shoots generic plastic collated full round heads. Shot several sticks of 16d and 10d, no problems. Yet. Time will tell. Nose piece is adjustable. HD tool guy states that whatever Ridgid tool you buy, you must register it for the lifetime warranty, otherwise it's only covered for 3 years.
The only drawback to the gun is that it is loaded from the back of the magazine. Oh, and it hasn't been battle tested like the others. But then, I'm not taking it to war, just to fight a few skirmishes once in a while.
Thanks for responding.
"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." Invictus, by Henley.
Sign up for the life time guarantee. Is this your life or the gun's life? Never sure.
My Paslode is rear load. I think the Senco is rear load. Max is top load.
Gotta frame a house and tell us how it worked. They came out with a whole line of guns last year. Good feature sets.The ToolBear
"Never met a man who couldn't teach me something." Anon.
I've got the same Ridgid...not as light or well balanced as the Hitatchi, but mine's worked well (with generic & name-brand nails) and has plenty of power. Haven't shot it much, so like you say, time will tell...Jason Pharez Construction
Framing & Exterior Remodeling
I *think* JLC reviewed it an issue or two ago (?) The reviewer liked it. I know it was a Ridgid framer, do they make a clipped head gun?
Although they make both, only the round head version is available here locally. Clipped head guns aren't that popular here (CT shoreline) due to wind constraints. Inspectors don't like them. Period. Only time you see clipped head nails is in non-permitted, non-structural work.
The Ridgid round head gun works well enough, at least as well as the 3 year old Bostitch that is now on its way to the Bostitch Service Center in Louisville, Ky. And unlike the Bostitch, I can load several sticks of nails and not worry about jamming.
"I am the master of my fate, I am the captain of my soul." Invictus, by Henley.