This is taken on M-59 in SE Mich. The road is being rebuilt and new curbing inst. Speed limit 50 w/ speeds around 50 – 60. This “island” if you will is right at the edge of the road. It’s about 2′ wide with a 2′ drop (at one end) from side to side. Seems real easy to flip any size vehicle especially in winter. I always see inspectors on hwy jobs, and I can’t imagine this one passing MDOT muster. Ever see any thing like this.
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Yep, NC dot does that....right now I'm thinking in Raleigh out along Capital blvd (1N) ... or maybe it's out glenwood. Seen other places too.
hi......since that appears to be a mountable curb, would have to think they are gonna backfill it and put a concrete island between the curb. However the picture is very confusing and I may be wrong, is there gonna be a travel lane the right of the "island"?
To the right of the island is a parking area of a business. Even if its filled it seems like if someone turns too fast into that driveway and catches the edge of that, they'll flip. Mike
What would you have them do ?
Have no curb at all ?
Build a wall instead ?
Big metal guardrail ?
All the above ?
A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog.
-- Jack London
I don't know what I'd have them do. Bottom line is they'e raised the grade of the road at this point substantially. From the store front to the edge of the first lane is maybe 60'. Just seems like there is no way that this would meet MDOT stds. It almost seems like they didn't get enough of the surrounding elevations checked b4 proceding. I'll see if I can get better pix to/from church tomorrow. Mike
I agree.
Around here, they would set an ugly metal guardrail there. With the posts set right up against the inside of the outer curb.
Maybe that's the plan ?
It'll be interesting to see the finished shot of this.
A bone to the dog is not charity. Charity is the bone shared with the dog, when you are just as hungry as the dog.
-- Jack London
Better late than never. Always seem to go through here late or early.
Your daughter is two feet tall ?
You don't "make a difference for the good in this world" by making everyone else think like you do. You make a difference for the good, when you help people think for themselves. ~me
LOL, first photo left me impression that the driop was only 4-6"
She gives it a sense of scale.
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I agree with danz. That will certainly be filled sooner or later. Sooner if it does tip somebody over.
may I ask where in SE Mi u are? just N. of Flint here.
I'm in Howell , travel a lot between Howell and Rochester Area.
Hey Junk man,
Im in Michigan too, near Fenton (sw of Flint). I've noticed an abundancy of stupidity when it comes to MDOT. I'm sure they FORCED the road pavers to create that hazard due to one of their brilliant engineering rules.
I am so sick of MDOT and their f'ed up roads. I swear I have never seen so many orange barrels. I'm also sick of their relentless "improving" of the roads. They have been working on m59 for more than 30 years.
I cannot wait to get out of this horrible state.
PS ...the same goes for 1-75. The whole thing is absurd.
I cannot wait to get out of this horrible state.
Hmmm..... Drove my mother to her summer residence, near West Branch, in June. Considering Va, W Va, Penn, Ohio, by far and away the worst, most inconsiderate, drivers were Michiganders. Gonna blame that on MDOT too?
Nice, when we got to the lake. Sailing was good. Freeways were horrible.PAHS Designer/Builder- Bury it!
we can say bad things about the MDOT (I am also a resident of SE Michigan), but those same complaints will apply to a lot of Northern states. I used to live in Upstate New York and folks there had similar complaints about bad roads and endless roadwork/construction.
Unfortunately, these places have several severe freeze/thaw cycles every winter (farther North, and it stays frozen, farther South and it does not freeze as often or as deep). The maintenance of roads in these conditions is a nightmare (I used to work for a county road department back in NY).
The materials and techniques are constantly improving, but so is the useage of the roads increasing, so its hard for the roads commission to keep up, over time.
Interesting to me is M-23 around Brighton. The MDOT facility is near the intersection of M-23 and I-96 and they have done many experiments with roads maintenance along 23 over the last 15 (or so) years, looking for better ways to do it.
Regarding the crazy curb shown in this message thread I have no understanding of how that came to pass. Most likely someone decided it without enough thought and bureaucracy being what it is the thing got built before saner heads could change it. Looks dangerous.
I wonder why the road grade got so much taller in this spot, causing the problem.