Another question about laser levels, I was at Lowes today and saw a Robo Laser that not only levels but also plumbs and squares. Damn if I can remember the model name. It was kinda rectanglur in shape and it went for about 199 dollars. Does anybody know what I am talking about and does it do everything it claims to and is it worth the 200+ dollars?? I am doing a basment remodel and will be a doing drop ceiling and plan on expanding the deck and I need new toy……
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"I have learned so much thanks to the searchable articles on the FHB website. I can confidently say that I expect to be a life-long subscriber." - M.K.
bought one last year and love it. self leveling, turns itself off if not used for a couple minutes, easy to adjust, and cheaper than a Leveline. maybe robolaser doesn't have the bells and whistles, but for what I do, it is more than enough.
me too, mine is about a year old and pays for itself time and again....the directions are a bit shy though, there are many uses for the tool that aren't described, and it takes a bit of getting used to that the red dot is a measured distance from the actual base. I've used it on a tripod for leveling kitchen cabinets, on a bucket of sheetrock for leveling foundations, setting ceramic tile lines, plumb bobbing top plates, and on and on...good tool, well worth it. I also have the Robo Laser that rotates and has a hand held transmitter that brings the red dot to you. I've used it for foundations, leveling pond bottoms and dam tops, room additions. I paid nearly $400 when I bought it 6 years ago, now they are in Tool Crib catalog for less than $300, maybe at Lowe's too, I haven't checked recently. The Robo-Laser stopped working about a year ago, so I called the company and they told me to send it back and they'd fix it, which I did and they did and boy was I surprised they didn't charge me a cent, even though it was well beyond any warranty they ever offered. Regards, Andy Lee
I thought I saw a recent article comparing a couple of different lasers, but I can't find it. Does anyone remember wher it was?
The article was in last month's Journal of Light Construction. It really was an excellent article. From all of the devices I have seen, the Robo product is definitely geared toward light use. For someone who uses a laser regularly (especially with several users), they really should look elsewhere and expect to pay at least twice as much for a better product. "You get what you pay for " definitely holds lots of water here. What really caught my attention in the JLC article was the substantial improvement in accuracy afforded by the self-leveling lasers. It was consistent through all brands.
carpenter in transition
I just took the $200.00 robolaser back to Lowes. It didn't really impress me much. I'm not trying to rain on your parade, just putting in my two cents worth ( or worthless). I opted for the $800.00 model instead, It really hurt in the wallet but the difference in usability was tremendous! As someone said you get what you pay for.
Thanks guys okay I also returned the robo laser and have found the article online from JLC and they recommend the Level Lite SLR-01 Pro Pack, problem is I cant find a place to make purchase on this product. Anybody know where.......Central Pa here so it may have to be a mail order......Dan
Sorry, and I don't mean to rain on your parade, but we've been using the Roboloaser products for three years now with no problems. Yeah, I know, it's not an expensive laser, and certainly if your feeble, don't take care of your tools, or are just too plain retarded to be able to figure out how it works, this is not the tool for you. However, we've put in 12 foundations, several decks and porches, and set several pole barns with this instrument in all types of weather, and I challenge ANYBODY to find fault in the layout of those buildings. Pure and simple, it's a laser item that you have to use as a professional. Don't expect it to cure your faults, and the tools will do you fine. Yes, it is cheaper than most of the others...but knowing it's limitations, and of course, you're own, will provide you with the ability to get accurate and quick readings for layout and plumb.
I would agree that my $249 robo lazer (plumb, level, square model, not rotating) is not as accurate as my $2,000 spectra precision laser but it is more than accurate enough for most jobs and a whole lot easier to carry (fits right in my tool belt). Different manufacturers do make more accurate models but I feel that the robo has been well worth the money.
Todd - Framing Square Construction
Don't forget to buy a water level to confirm the calibration of the 200-800 dollar unit. :)
Jason, Dude, chill out! I'm not attacking your abilities. I gave my opinion of what I feel is a very limited tool. It does work to be sure; however it does not do all that I personally require. I don't want to chase around a little red dot all day. For me, ( a one man show ) it is more practical to use the other. I'm sure that your work is just fine with either laser. Relax, we're all friends here! Miami
Sorry, wasn't trying to insult you; must have been having a bad day. For us, it's been a godsend. It works in all weather (never had a problem in sunlight), and we use both of them for all types of work. Is it as good as an $800 model? Of course not...but then again, we've improved our accuracy for a whole lot less, and do the layout work so much faster because of it. When I've got money to burn (which we all know will be never), I'll check out some of the others. But for now, the Robo win's, in my mind, hands down against a lot of older methods, and allows a lot of contractors to get into the "laser revolution" and continue to feed their kids at the same time. Have a great day!
Jason, No problem! Been there, done that!! Here's a point to help your side...I just had a guy with a $ 12,000.00 laser dig and pour a footer for me ( he came highly recommended ). It was 1 3/8 " out of level and 18" out of square. Needless to say I was speechless. Well actually some words did come to mind... I think I could have done better with the naked eye!Now the house is a little smaller. We all have those days.
dan - Are you talking about the (relatively new) RoboVector? One thing you need to watch, because it's what brings down the price, is accuracy. While the Robolaser is advertised to 1/8" in 100' I think the 3-way Vector is 1/4" in 100'. That's half the accuracy. The pros here can give you more input on whether or not that's 'good enough.'
T. Jeffery Clarke
On the robo site, the revolving laser is += 3/8 in 100ft. That made me nervous, be/c for domes we always use that kind of laser. Gotta check other manufs on the revolving...