I have a 6 over 12 pitched roof with 1×6 rafters on 16″ centers
In the attic there are 1×8 boards that tie the 2 sides of the roof
together. They are at a height of about 4 ft off the attic floor, and
are only present every other rafter, or 32″ centers. I would
like to use this space for storage, and would like to remove these boards.
House built in 1965. The roof rafters are nailed into a 2×6 ridge beam. Roof
sheathed in plywood, tar paper, 2 layers of asphalt shingles
Would like to get as much head room as possible.
Maybe some one her can tell you different, but I would NOT remove those, unless you want the roof to spread its wings and come down on you....
1x6 rafters? Seems inadequate compared to normal standards
Read the post on "proper collar tie placement" I just saw it and Jim's responce is a little more detailed then mine.
Addison . What is the width of your house and are you sure they are not 2x6 rafters?
My apologies, they are 2x6, not 1x6 Rafters. Poor typing skills.
The house is 24 ft front to back, the depth of the house.
Ridge beam is 6 ft off attic floor. I will not remove these, unless
some I can come up with a good means to continue to tie the 2 sides