got this in an e-letter from his site and thought some of you might find it interesting. especially you guys who like sticking your fingers in the sockets..
you know who you are
This review summarizes peer reviewed papers, government reports, and regulatory group recommendations on hazards from electricity. A goal of this report is to determine a safe voltage level below which these hazards will not occur; the review emphasis is, therefore, on ‘extremely-low’ voltage (<50 VRMS or 71 VPEAK) exposure. This report is divided into five main sections dealing with human exposure. Section I addresses the basic mechanisms by which electric current can affect biological tissue in a hazardous manner. Section II summarizes experimental research studies involving application of electric current to human subjects. Section III reviews the epidemiology and case reports of human electrocution. Section IV includes a summary of previous electrical safety standards. Section V includes the review conclusions for human exposure. An Appendix deals with the electrocution of dogs.
thanks, i guess
pretty exciting reading huh ? the "electrocution of dogs" caught my eye , but I didn't read it.
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i'm going to print it out and leave it by my nightstand for those nites when i'm having trouble getting to sleepMike Smith Rhode Island : Design / Build / Repair / Restore
sometimes a picture is worth a thousand wordsor something like that
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I haven't clicked on the link yet but I think I know where it's going. We had a couple of guys here at work that had the attitude that hooking up a new circuit in a panel was no big deal. I found out they were doing them on their own. I sat one of them down and showed him this video. He's cured of that attitude. The other one nearly got it when he arced between one leg of a three phase and the panel. I'm pretty sure he's done screwing around with stuff he shouldn't.
Pop, lock, and drop it.
i'm not 18, it won't let me lookMike Smith Rhode Island : Design / Build / Repair / Restore
I've seen that in the past, always makes a very sad reminder but at least it ended well for himI have never seen an I-Line panel do that, but have always wondered about the bus arrangement in them, since they are always 480 at any rate, we are not allowed in any live panels hotter than 208 anymore without a cal suit the one I posted was just an air break opening.. no people.
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I took a class on Arc flash a month or so ago pretty eye opening.
Pop, lock, and drop it.
we have arc flash stuff every 3 monthsI'm going to be playing near 50.000 VDC tomorrow just know that there will be plenty of conversations before we start workpraying for rain actually, since I'm in no particular hurry to be up there !.
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Good luck. I cringe everythime I walk past a switch or a big panel after taking that class.
Pop, lock, and drop it.
that makes two of us..
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