Screw Head caps….Where to find them???
I have been useing those plastic screw head caps that fit into a square drive recess #1 or #2 size. The caps are to hide screws in cabinets. McFeely’s always had them online but don’t stock some of them anymore. Does anyone know where to get them?
Google "Fastcap", see if they have a distributer near you.
They carry some interesting items....
Fastcap's are sticky covers..
A-holes. Hey every group has to have one. And I have been elected to be the one. I should make that my tagline.
Thought they had the push-in caps as well, but anyway, it's an alternative.
Myself, if it's in the back of a cab., I either use Piffin screws & finish washers, or good flat-head cab. screws---don't see the need for anything else. Unfortunately can't say much for their search function, but you can call them.
PAHS Designer/Builder- Bury it!
Only used them twice, no problems at all.