Help: I believe!! I’m going to seal my attic space for efficiency of my AC/heating. Even have a contractor who blows in cells scheduled to do it. Local Electrical Co-op energy guru thinks it’s great. Talked to my county inspector today, and he seems to be willing to allow me to do it, if I can show him some argument/data on the benefits. My discussion was apparently convincing enough that he would not dismiss me out of hand, even though local code requires it, in all of its unbelieving glory (SSBC).
Recently I was at a thread on this subject that had a web site link to lotsa data and discussion. Think the author/disciple was a man whose name starts out “Ls…” Out of Boston, I think. In mad panic looking for it again. Naturally I cannot find the thread when I need it. I will search in parallel w/this plaintive wail for help. The worst you can do is sneer at me and think nasty thoughts, but,like Richard Pryor said in a movie I cannot remember, “You can kill me, but you can’t eat me.” Like to know the name of that movie, also, if anyone knows it.
Help: I believe!! I'm going to seal my attic space for efficiency of my AC/heating. Even have a contractor who blows in cells scheduled to do it. Local Electrical Co-op energy guru thinks it's great. Talked to my county inspector today, and he seems to be willing to allow me to do it, if I can show him some argument/data on the benefits. My discussion was apparently convincing enough that he would not dismiss me out of hand, even though local code requires it, in all of its unbelieving glory (SSBC).
Recently I was at a thread on this subject that had a web site link to lotsa data and discussion. Think the author/disciple was a man whose name starts out "Ls..." Out of Boston, I think. In mad panic looking for it again. Naturally I cannot find the thread when I need it. I will search in parallel w/this plaintive wail for help. The worst you can do is sneer at me and think nasty thoughts, but,like Richard Pryor said in a movie I cannot remember, "You can kill me, but you can't eat me." Like to know the name of that movie, also, if anyone knows it.