I am adding a few windows to my basement and need to have screens on them. I feel strongly that the screens be on the outside of the window and want the windows to be operable. It would seem my options are sliders, hoppers or inswinging casements.
I really don’t like sliders in this application and after talking to two window specialists I am being told no one makes vinyl hoppers or inswinging casements.
Doing a google search turns up a few hits from obscure sounding sources.
Can anyone on the forum refer me to a manufacturer or supplier that makes these windows? Preferably one you have had experience with and can attest to their quality.
thank you,
I could about SWEAR we got one at HD for my buddies bathroom addition a few months ago. It had no nail-flanges, just screw thru the jambs and trim it out..it was vinyl. any color ya want as long as it is white.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
I have irriatable Vowel syndrome.
Hi Karl,
I've never found replacement basement windows I liked. Up here in Buffalo, it's pretty standard to do the glass block thing, either with or without a vent.
My last house, in Maryland, had hopper windows. The sash were in good shape, but the jambs were shot...dry-rot, some termite damage. I picked up some spanish cedar and made new jambs....cut the rabbit deep enough for Q-lon weather-stripping, and used it as the "bead" to hold nylon screening tucked into the slot for the weather-stripping. I was very pleased with the result, but we sold the house not long after, so I can't report on whether it held up well.
Andersen makes a hopper style window with high-performance glass. It is Fibrex material, just like Renewal Windows. It's an awesome product, way better then vinyl replacement windows.
and there we have it folks!You beat me to it;)
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Thanks to all for the replies.I will go ask the andersen salesman about the fibrex basement and utility window. It looks like a great product.If there is any other hopper window manufacturers worth taking a look at, I am still open to other possibilities before making a decision.Karl
Sphere said it. I got my hoppers for my addition about 3 years ago at HD, vinal, probably not the worlds best but they work fine. My local HD stocks 'em in several sizes.
I know I'm late to this parade, but would somebody tell me what a hopper style window is? I've never heard that name before.
Don K.
EJG Homes Renovations - New Construction - Rentals
think casement turned sideways......
The top of the window opens and pulls into the room while the bottom is hinged and stays next to the frame. Like operating a front opening grain or flour bin.
why not an awning style much less susceptable to water intrusion.
He wants an external screen so as to catch the grass from the lawn mower and rocks from the weedeater, is my guess.
Spheramid Enterprises Architectural Woodworks
I have irriatable Vowel syndrome.
possible i suppose. wouldnt want my windows open when whipping or mowing even though i love the smell of 2 cycle.
I'm sure he means to keep them closed, but the screens will prevent debris from breaking the pane...
i dont think even an aluminum screen is going to stop a rock whizzing out from under the deck from breaking the window. slow it down maybe but not going to stop it.
Good question about hopper vs awning. Mostly it is just personal preference on disliking the aesthetic of interior screens. I would also be interested in going with inswinging casements so I could have the screens outside. I think inswinging casements might even be more elusive than hopper windows.Karl