I just got a 14.4 V screw-gun (collated screws) works great hanging sheet rock (keep it away from the sides of your rooms and ceilings) you’ll get a lot of un-sunk screws there,don’t angle in,this is still great production tool for driving the field on ceilings and walls,the batteries last about 500 screws or better even before they are broke in and the charger will definitely stay ahead of your use with the two batts supplied…I leave off the plastic that covers the screws along the trigger guard…after figuring out the loading,and the few mis-fires and that you need your helper to fish out the high screws and fill in the borders this tool has us hanging 35 sheets a day,with carrying, and finishing wall fishes and some other non hanging related tasks,(don’t hang this thing on your tool bag) to keep from putting down a sheet from over head, I had to un-latch it and let all the crap in it fall out as I tied that slab o rock to the ceiling with my bag and belt stuck to it… hang it on your pants pocket! Happy hunting!
Scribe once, cut once!
This thread and your one about your new Zip tool seem like perfect posts for the "What Tool Did You Buy Today" thread. Curious if you meant to post there or if you wanted to start a new thread for each of these purchases?
Yea,O-k I'll take a little while next time to get it right.Scribe once, cut once!
mapache, wasn't scolding or anything, just wanted to make sure you were aware of the Tools I Bought Today thread
As for the Dura Spin - I have had one for about 3 years and like it
the old hand feed corded Milwakee rarely comes out any more
As you mention - I don't use the Dura Spin in the corners - cordless there
I'm still experimenting with it on the little scrap in work left, and I've found,that if you pu the gun,top to the wall,and just a scosh out,enough to let the collet strip discharge end in there,and a little more... (with the top of the gun square to the wall,you can get some edges...We just finished hanging out about 180 sheets,and I think we'd still be on the first sheet if not for that nice little hoopty!Scribe once, cut once!
I have been using the Senco for 2 1/2 years. Most of the time when I hang rock, I am by myself so the strip screws come in handy for continous screwing.
I bought it against recommendations,they said it mis-fed to often,and left high screws,Ifigured it all out in acouple minutes...I like that little jumping jack!Scribe once, cut once!