Im looking for suggestions on a computer driven way to keep track of service calls after a house closes.
Currently I copy work orders to the various trades & fax them to them but it’s a lot of work & not very efficient
. I wonder if theres either a software package specific to new home builders or if theres a ACCESS data base template that someone has or perhaps even some kind of template in EXCEL.
Any advise would be appreciated.
Ted Rowell
BARR Homes
Ted while we don't have anything per se for tracking "service calls after a house closes" we could probably very easily develop an application in FileMaker that does that and we would actually be interested in working with you on something like that if your interested. You can see some screenshots of some of the other stuff we've developed here to get an idea of what we might be able to work up for you. No charge if you provide the ideas as to what you want, we'll then retain the rights to the software so we can market and sell to other builders to cover our costs.
Regardless even if you decide to do this yourself you should really consider using FileMaker rather than Access in that FileMaker is a much easier and faster enviroment to develop in.
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