Building a(nother) shed .. this one 8’X 14′ … with a long 8′ high side and a long 6′ side. Wondering if anyone has any ideas on ways around cutting all those ‘bird-mouths’ (or whatever they’re called) to see to it that the slanted rafters meet the sill-plates evenly?! It’s tedious, imperfect and a drag!
Thanks in advance —
First make sure you build your building with opposite sides parallel. In square is not a bad thing either. Then, you lay all your 2by rafters across your dogs (saw horses), or on the floor, with the edge to be notched up, all ends aligned. Tack a temporary across the lot. You may need a helper to hold 'em. Mark the end ones, and pop some chalk lines. Set the first bevel in your skillsaw. Then cut the birds mouths in all the rafters at once. Repeat with the second bevel for the birds mouths.
*Simpson makes a variable pitch connector. I think it is designated VP. It eliminates the need to notch rafters. It will work on the downhill side. I'm not sure about the uphill side.
*Aaron,Looks to me like your rise over the plate is a hair less than 1". If you have access to a table saw consider riping a couple of beveled shims out of 2"x2" stock. Make the cut right and you will get two shims out of one piece of stock (or cut repetitive lengths of shim off the narrow side of a lenghth of 2"x4" by cutting, fliping the stock, and adjusting the fence). Make the shims the full length of your shed walls and nail the rafters on. This will give you a good nailing surface and not compromise the strength of your rafters. If you are using 2"x4" rafters you do not have anything to spare. I would not frame a house this way but a shed - not a problem.
*Hey guys ---THANK YOU for the suggestions!!! They're gonna help ALOT!! Really appreciate it!thanks,AS.